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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag tags


Folksonomies | Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France

Les folksonomies constituent la possibilité pour l’usager d’indexer des documents afin qu’il puisse plus aisément les retrouver grâce à un système de mots-clés. Le concept est lié à l’accroissement et à l’accélération de la production d’informations.

TextboxList « Devthought

TextboxList turns normal textboxes into a widget which can be navigated with the keyboard, effectively turning your input into a “list” of items that can be easily deleted. It comes with an Autocomplete plugin.


2007 - Software

The GeoTagging Automator Action automatically tags your images with geographical coordinates and elevation data from a GPS track file. It supports a great range of image formats, including many raw image formats like Canon CR2, Nikon NEF and Adobe DNG.

ongoing · Tag Scheme?

For the tags to be interoperable and meaningful across weblogs, one could start using '' as the scheme

Socialist - Truly social bookmarking

Socialist takes the experience of social bookmarking through to a new level. Subscribe to RSS feeds, your favorite tags, and your friend's bookmarks in a friendly Mail-like interface. Socialist gives you access to your bookmarks from any Mac, and online (through Assign tags to websites and never worry about unorganized bookmarks again!

24 ways: Marking Up a Tag Cloud

Everyone‘s doing it. The problem is, everyone’s doing it wrong

tagspeak-examples - Microformats

tagspeak is the way in which ordinary people construct tags


adaptive path » tagging vs. cataloging: what it's all about

by 1 other
Tags have taken the internet by storm. Where once the question was “what are they,” now all people want to know is whether a given site offers them. But what are the actual benefits of tags? What motivates millions of Flickr, and blog users to add tags to their photos and posts? And what is it about tags and tagging that gets information architects and user experience professionals so excited?

TagCommons » Blog Archive » Welcome

TagCommons is a place and a process for us to create ways to share and interoperate over tagging data. We believe that the world should have the benefits of rich social tagging across applications, communities, and spaces.

Ontology of Folksonomy

by 6 others (via)
Ontologies are enabling technology for the Semantic Web. They are a means for people to state what they mean by formal terms used in data that they might generate or consume. Folksonomies are an emergent phenomenon of the social web. They are created as people associate terms with content that they generate or consume. Recently the two ideas have been put into opposition, as if they were right and left poles of a political spectrum. This piece is an attempt to shed some cool light on the subject, and to preview some new work that applies the two ideas together to enable an Internet ecology for folksonomies.

SKOS, l'avenir de la folksonomie ?

by 2 others
J'ai déjà fait allusion à plusieurs reprises au vocabulaire RDF, SKOS (Simple knowledge organisation system) sur ce blog. Développé sous l'égide du W3C, il a pour but la modélisation et la mise à disposition selon le principe de RDF des thésaurus, taxonomies, glossaires et autres vocabulaires contrôlés. La mise en ligne des thésaurus existants au format RDF est fondamental dans le déploiement du Web sémantique, car cela permet d'associer à chaque concept une URI et ainsi de pouvoir y faire référence dans d'autres fichiers RDF.

FeedLounge s’ouvre enfin au public impatient et enterre directement ses concurrents - Gastero Prod

Si vous n’en avez pas encore entendu parler, FeedLounge est un aggrégateur de flux de syndication en ligne, à la manière de Bloglines, Google Reader et autres. La différence, c’est qu’il est beau et facile à utiliser !

Cellar Door Software - Slickr

by 1 other (via)
Flickr Screensaver - Shows images from a user, group, tags, etc. from


Geek Entertainment TV » Flickr’s Stewart Butterfield invents Web 2.0

Irina catches up with Stewart Butterfield, majordomo of everyone’s favorite photosharing site Flickr, to discuss the invention of web 2.0, the pre-web days and his favorite tags

P.S.: » Clustering Delicious Tags

by 3 others (via)
Tags are not all the same, some are more similar than others. So, for example, the tag “September11″ and “GeorgeBush” have more links in common than “GeorgeBush” and “intelligence”. BlogmarksInGoogle

by 14 others (via)
This script – inspired by Goofd – adds to Google results page last marks, with same tags as terms searched in Google.

Peer Pressure » Scrumptious

by 8 others
Scrumptious is a Firefox extension for use with, a social bookmark manager. It makes it easy and convenient to add bookmarks with accurate metadata tags to from Firefox.

On Tagging -

by 8 others (via)
Une belle spécification pour l'extension Blogmarks pour Firefox ! ;)

» Google Adds Tagging InsideGoogle » part of the Blog News Channel

by 4 others
Avec une des choses qui manquent à Blogmarks : « Autocomplete for the tags, helping you with tags you’ve already used (and consistency, which is important) »

Faut-il utiliser des tags composés de plusieurs mots ? - Gastero Prod

by 2 others
Depuis que j’utilise des tags, sur des sites ou services de plus en plus nombreux, je ne m’étais jamais posé cette question, mais elle ne me semble pas anodine.

[cs/0508082] The Structure of Collaborative Tagging Systems

by 1 other (via)
Collaborative tagging describes the process by which many users add metadata in the form of keywords to shared content. Recently, collaborative tagging has grown in popularity on the web, on sites that allow users to tag bookmarks, photographs and other content. In this paper we analyze the structure of collaborative tagging systems as well as their dynamical aspects. Specifically, we discovered regularities in user activity, tag frequencies, kinds of tags used, bursts of popularity in bookmarking and a remarkable stability in the relative proportions of tags within a given url. We also present a dynamical model of collaborative tagging that predicts these stable patterns and relates them to imitation and shared knowledge.