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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag projet


WCAG 2.0 | AccessibilitéWeb

by 1 other
"Les Web content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 présentent soixante et un (61) critères de succès qui incarnent autant de bonnes pratiques visant à favoriser la mise en accessibilité des contenus pour les personnes handicapées. Ces critères de succès ont des impacts sur toutes les étapes d’un projet de site Web. Les responsabilités qui en découlent doivent donc être réparties à travers les différents intervenants concernés afin d’assurer le succès de la démarche de mise en accessibilité des contenus. C’est doublement vrai dans des contextes d’obligations de conformité, si de telles obligations sont en vigueur sur votre territoire. "

1.0 Is the Loneliest Number

Matt Mullenweg nous parle de la première release d'un projet, et des releases suivantes. "Release early, release often", comme on dit depuis longtemps sans toujours le faire...

Maxing out Your Triangle

by 1 other
L'objectif à atteindre : maximiser son triangle apprentissage / argent / passion


TaskArtist - flexible project management on Mac OS X, open source and free

TaskArtist is a native Mac OS X cocoa UI for the very flexible project management software TaskJuggler. The alpha version is packaged with TaskJuggler III which currently is in alpha state too.

Taskjuggler - The Open Source Project Management Software - Home

by 2 others
TaskJuggler is a modern and powerful, Open Source project management tool. Its new approach to project planing and tracking is more flexible and superior to the commonly used Gantt chart editing tools.


phpMyChat - Ohloh

phpMyChat is an easy-to-install, easy-to-use multi-room PHP/DB chat. It is currently available for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and ODBC, and the work on Oracle is in progress. It supports IRC-like commands, moderators, and is available with 37 languages.

Taskjuggler - The Open Source Project Management Software - Home

by 7 others
TaskJuggler is Open Source project management software for serious project managers. It covers the complete spectrum of project management tasks from the first idea to the completion of the project

Developing Integration Solutions with BizTalk Server 2004

This guide contains examples of team approaches for developing with BizTalk Server 2004, and illustrates techniques that can increase development efficiency. It also provides hints and tips that can decrease the time and effort spent debugging and testing. It emphasizes the team development process and team development setup.

Forrester Research: Five Pitfalls To Avoid In Web Content Management Implementations

Web content management (WCM) initiatives remain complex, expensive, time-consuming projects with high failure rates. Why do enterprises continue to wrestle with these initiatives? Critical issues that surface repeatedly from failed project to failed project include a lack of business ownership, IT-driven — rather than user-driven — design, unnecessarily complex specifications, and poorly designed workflow. Five major mistakes to avoid: 1) complex implementations; 2) AWOL content contributors during the content design phase; 3) lack of system mastery by content contributors and template designers; 4) requirements that are too complex; and 5) an IT organization that is stuck in the middle of the content creation and publishing workflow. Auto Project Planner

The tool automatically calculates a time plan/project plan based on effort estimations and expected end dates. Tasks ( a max. perc.-rate) can be assigned to one or more resources. Vacations and weekly work hours are considered. v0.4: GanttProject Export


NetOffice - News

by 4 others
netOffice is a free web based project-management environment written in php/mySQL. netOffice allows managing and sharing information about teams, projects, tasks, deadlines and much more. It?s intuitive interface makes it a fast and optimal solution for medium size companies.

activeCollab - open source project management and collaboration tool.

by 54 others, 2 comments
activeCollab est une alternative logiciel libre (très ressemblante) à Basecamp (de 37signals), c'est à dire un outil de gestion de projet simple, avec gestion de « milestones » et tâches associées, de documents, de messages... vont-ils se faire taper dessus par 37signals???


by 1 other
CodePlex is an online software development environment for open and shared source developers to create, host and manage projects throughout the project lifecycle. It has been written from the ground up in C# using .NET 2.0 technology with Team Foundation Server on the back end. CodePlex is open to the public free of charge.


La main au porte-monnaie - Standblog - Tristan Nitot sur les standards du W3C, les navigateurs et la technologie

by 2 others (via)
Tristan Nitot : « j'ai décidé de faire un don de 30 EUR (ou plus) tous les mois à un projet Libre »

OpenPSA - OpenPSA - Free Management Software for Consultancies

by 3 others (via)
OpenPSA is a Free, Web-based Management Software Package for Consultancies and Service organizations.

Ingénieur PHP - Carrières - Clever Age

De formation Ingénieur ou Universitaire, avec au moins 2 ans d’expérience, vous maîtrisez le langage PHP. Dans le cadre de la réalisation de projet, vous participerez, au sein d’une équipe projet, à la phase de conception détaillée, de développement et d’intégration chez le client. Vous êtes passionné par les nouvelles technologies, rigoureux, persévérant et faites preuve d’une réelle capacité d’adaptation et d’autonomie.


by 6 others
Une gestion de tâches tout en AJAX et avec drag & drop, sympa mais très limité pour l'instant