public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag php

June 2008

Gravatar runs on PHP, previously on Rails

Privilégier les compétences internes, plus que la hype : "Our decision on this matter had nothing to do with Ruby, or Rails — in fact we have a great respect for both! The reason [...] we switched is that PHP is our core competency at Automattic."


Des slides expliquant l'utilisation poussée d'APC faite par Facebook

May 2008

Livre Blanc : Frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise

by 2 others
Un livre blanc présentant les frameworks majeurs disponibles pour PHP, en mettant en évidence leurs zones de confort et inconfort

Perl & PHP : plus rapide à installer sous Windows que sous GNU/Linux…

Et la marmotte vous allez me dire ? La marmotte en l’occurrence c’est Microsoft qui nous offre deux screencats censés démontrer la facilité de Windows et le gain de temps procuré comparé à une solution GNU/Linux

symfony Web PHP Framework » Blog » Yahoo! Answers powered by symfony

by 1 other
Yahoo! used symfony to redevelop another project. This time symfony was used as part of the foundation for Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! Answers is the largest collection of human knowledge on the Web with more than 135 million users and 515 million answers worl

April 2008

Dan Grossman - Open Calais Tags

by 1 other
Open Calais Tags is a PHP class for extracting entities from text using Open Calais. Calais performs semantic analysis of the text, using natural language processing to identify concepts like people, companies and technologies discussed in the text

March 2008

Comment bien gérer la montée en charge d’une application web ? | Simple Entrepreneur

by 2 others
Voici quelques pistes qui seront particulièrement utiles à ceux qui développent une application dans un environnement LAMP (Linux, Apache, Php et MySql) ou RoR (Ruby On Rails). Il s’agit en fait des retours d’expérience de sites comme Flickr, Digg

February 2008

Extension Matrix - MediaWiki

The Extension Matrix provides an overview of the extensions on this site. Note that this list is by no means exhaustive: it only covers pages in the Extension namespace that use Template:Extension.

WSO2 Web Services Framework for PHP | WSO2 Oxygen Tank

by 2 others
WSO2 WSF/PHP is a complete solution for building and deploying Web services, and is the only PHP extension with the widest range of WS-* specification implementations

January 2008


by 7 others
Chyrp is a blogging engine designed to be very lightweight while retaining functionality. It is driven by PHP and MySQL (with some AJAX thrown in), and has a pimpin’ theme and module engine, so you can personalize it however you want.

October 2007

Réaliser un premier plugin - SPIP

by 3 others
On crée un plugin au même endroit qu’on installe ceux qu’on peut récupérer et déjà prêts à fonctionner (Voir « Installer un plugin »).

Avec le projet Phalanger, PHP devient un langage de premier choix sur la plate-forme Microsoft .NET

Phalanger est un projet Open Source visant à créer une nouvelle implémentation du langage PHP sur la plate-forme .NET de Microsoft. A ce jour, phpBB, phpMyAdmin ou encore Wordpress fonctionnent sur Phalanger sans aucune modification dans leur code sour


Récuperation du login NTLM en php pour une identification de l'user automatique.

Nati Shalom's Blog: Why most large-scale Web sites are not written in Java

The application stack of these Web applications is very different from the stack that mission-critical applications in the financial world are built with.

September 2007

WSGI makes us faster, simpler, nicer! « DevjaVu Blog

With mod_php you can assume that if Apache is up, the app is up. [...] mod_wsgi, boasted faster performance than mod_python, and was easier to configure. I realized Trac had WSGI support. Pages are loading almost twice as fast! Our setup is simpler too.

phpMyChat - Ohloh

phpMyChat is an easy-to-install, easy-to-use multi-room PHP/DB chat. It is currently available for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and ODBC, and the work on Oracle is in progress. It supports IRC-like commands, moderators, and is available with 37 languages.

August 2007

Julien Lecomte’s Blog » Gzip Your Minified JavaScript Files

by 1 other
For optimal performance, gzip your JavaScript code, and stay away from “advanced” JavaScript compression schemes that look attractive on paper, but end up degrading the performance of your site.

Meta20 » phpQuery - a jQuery port to PHP

by 1 other
phpQuery is PHP-port of jQuery - well known and great web2.0 JS library

Quercus: PHP in Java

by 2 others
Quercus is Caucho Technology's fast, open-source, 100% Java implementation of the PHP language.

July 2007

Dan Grossman : Handling UTF-8 in JavaScript, PHP, and Non-UTF8 Databases

Dealing with characters outside the ASCII range on the web is tough, since text needs to move through so many places without being mangled, from user input, through JavaScript, into and out of PHP and string manipulation functions, into and out of db