public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag licence



Creative Commons POWAAA !

Si mes photos n'étaient pas en licence Creative Commons by-nc-sa, cette personne n'auraient pas pu en mettre une sur son blog et ainsi me faire connaître !



RapidoSerial est une application qui vous permet de construire rapidement une base de données de vos applications et des licences liées.

Golden % Braeburn enables independent Macintosh developers to sell their creations with the minimum of fuss and expense. We provide our clients with the Cocoa source code for an in-application storefront and a back-end server, customer and accounting management tools, and our license-key generation and verification framework.

AquaticPrime: Secure Your Shareware Applications

The AquaticPrime framework is a secure registration method for your shareware applications, released as free open-source software.


01net. - La GPL3 disponible aujourd'hui

by 1 other
Seize ans après la publication de la version 2 de la licence GNU GPL, la Free Software Foundation (FSF) publie en effet la version définitive de la version 3 (GPLv3)


GPLv3 Process Definition — GPLv3 Development and Publicity Project

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) and the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) today released a document specifying the process and guidelines for revising the Foundation's GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). The FSF will release the first discussion draft of the new license for comment at the International Public Conference for GPLv3 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on January 16 and 17, 2006.

Open Clip Art Library :: :: Drawing Together.

by 5 others
This project aims to create an archive of user contributed clip art that can be freely used

Du libre et du gauchisme : une parenté fallacieuse

by 2 others (via)
Le malentendu est récurrent, dans les milieux de gauche, sur la nature et la position politique des mouvements du libre (logiciel libre et art libre). Nous tâchons ici de dissiper ce malentendu qui se manifeste par des attentes inconsidérées et, semble-t-il, des déceptions entraînant réactions hostiles et sentiment de trahison.

3 questions à... Frédéric Couchet (FSF France)

Le Président de la Free Software Foundation en France détaille les facteurs externes qui pourront faire évoluer la licence GPL

flickr card generator

by 5 others (via)
use this to generate a card that you can print out to give to people at events, so that they can then go and look at your pictures afterwards. by tagging your pictures with something specific to that event, you can send people directly to just those pictures by telling them the tag to use

It Pays To Read License Agreements

[...] you already know that because you read the End User License Agreement or "EULA" that was available prior to installing the program. You did read it right? Of course you did; before you could install the software you had to check a box certifying that you read the agreement. Legally speaking, that's the same thing as signing a contract with pen and ink. OK, let's be honest. You didn't really read the EULA. How do I know? Because hardly anyone does. [...]