public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags javascript & clevermarks

November 2009

Shadowbox.js Media Viewer

by 3 others
Shadowbox is an online media viewer application that supports all of the web's most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is written entirely in JavaScript and CSS and is highly customizable.

October 2009

Intégrateurs, montez au front (Stéphane Deschamps)

by 1 other
« le web [est] l’environnement de développement le plus hostile du monde [...]. Aucun autre environnement de développement n’est aussi compliqué, et en même temps aussi facilement cassé chez le client. »

September 2009

jQTouch — jQuery plugin for mobile web development

by 12 others
A jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, Android, Palm Pre, and other forward-thinking devices.

August 2009

Oomph: A Microformats Toolkit - Lab - MIX Online

Oomph: A Microformats Toolkit is for web developers, designers and users, making it easier to create, consume, and style Microformats. Oomph makes consuming and producing content for the web just a little easier, more efficient, more fun.

AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin | CSS-Tricks

This new AnythingSlider is an attempt at bringing together the functionality of all of those previous sliders and adding new features. In other words, to create a really “full featured” slider that could be widely useful

July 2009

June 2009

The Lightbox Clones Matrix « planetOzh

"Comparison of various scripts that display images and other objects in somehow cool CSS popups"

May 2009

April 2009

TextboxList « Devthought

TextboxList turns normal textboxes into a widget which can be navigated with the keyboard, effectively turning your input into a “list” of items that can be easily deleted. It comes with an Autocomplete plugin.

Test Swarm

by 2 others
Distributed continuous integration testing for JavaScript.

February 2009

Javascript Best Practices

by 1 other
A presentation about tricks and best practice ideas of how to use JavaScript

January 2009

slayeroffice | tools | Mouseover DOM Inspector v2.0 Help

by 9 others
The Mouseover DOM Inspector, or MODI for short, is a favelet (also known as a bookmarklet) that allows you to view and manipulate the DOM of a web page simply by mousing around the document.

jQuery 1.3 est enfin là !

De nombreuses nouveautés une fois de plus, et surtout des performances encore accrues. Mais jusqu'où s'arrêteront-ils ???

December 2008

24 ways, calendrier de l'avent du dev Web

by 70 others, 1 comment
C'est un must read chaque année, alimenté par des pointures internationales du développement Web (à base de standards évidemment)

September 2008

Ajaxian » jQuery finds its way into Microsoft and Nokia stacks

by 1 other
jQuery will be distributed with Visual Studio (which will include jQuery intellisense, snippets, examples, and documentation)

August 2008

July 2008

syntaxhighlighter - Google Code

SyntaxHighlighter is here to help a developer/coder to post code snippets online with ease and have it look pretty. It's 100% Java Script based and it doesn't care what you have on your server.