public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag html5

December 2010

h5o - Project Hosting on Google Code

"The current (Nov, 2009) HTML5 draft defines quite a precise algorithm, for producing an outline for HTML documents. h5o is an implementation of the algorithm in JavaScript."

September 2010

August 2010

July 2010

June 2010

May 2010

April 2010

March 2010

Flash contre HTML5 : 3, 2, 1 partez !

"Le plus économe demeure le couple Safari/HTML5 qui ne consomme que 12 % des ressources processeur. Pour effectuer la même tâche, le duo Safari/Flash s’accapare 37 % du temps processeur"

Ambilight for video tag

Le même effet d'une TV Philips en pur JavaScript. Nécessite un navigateur moderne...

February 2010

January 2010

ASK KEN™ - Visual Knowledge Browser

"ASK KEN™ is sort of a Node-Link diagram that allows to visually navigate through interconnected topics provided by the Freebase Service. It takes advantage of the latest HTML5 features by using the canvas element for drawing. "

Try our new HTML5 player! on Vimeo Staff Blog

by 1 other
"The simple fact is right now h264 allows us the most flexibility to display on many devices and many players with the same file. When that changes, so will we."


by 3 others
Browserscope is a community-driven project for profiling web browsers. The goals are to foster innovation by tracking browser functionality and to be a resource for web developers.

provide-html5.js at master from sunny's provide-html5 - GitHub

"Attempt to make a drop-and-forget bunch of scripts that mimick some missing html5 goodies automatically"

December 2009

Les standards HTML et CSS des origines à mercredi dernier

"HTML et CSS : d'où ils viennent, comment ils sont apparus et pourquoi il faut du champagne cher pour les faire évoluer

HTML5 Visual Cheat Sheet (Reloaded) –

"This cheat sheet is essentially a simple visual grid that contains a list of all HTML tags and of their related attributes supported by HTML 5"