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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags framework & php5


Livre Blanc : Frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise

by 2 others
Un livre blanc présentant les frameworks majeurs disponibles pour PHP, en mettant en évidence leurs zones de confort et inconfort

WSO2 Web Services Framework for PHP | WSO2 Oxygen Tank

by 2 others
WSO2 WSF/PHP is a complete solution for building and deploying Web services, and is the only PHP extension with the widest range of WS-* specification implementations


Installer Symfony sous Mac OS X avec MAMP - Glagla Dot Org

Symfony est un framework RAD PHP vraiment interessant. Voici un rapide tutoriel pour l'utilisez sous OS X avec MAMP.

symfony PHP5 framework » Chapter 1 - Introducing Symfony

Why "symfony" and not "FooBarFramework"? Because [...] The other alternative was "baguette."


symfony PHP5 framework » Announcing symfony 1.0 beta 1

by 1 other
It's been a long time since the latest beta release (0.7.1915), and even a longer time since the last stable release (0.6.3). Today, we are happy to announce the release of symfony 1.0 Beta 1, and this is a major step towards the version 1.0, which should come shortly

Frameworks PHP : Symfony, inachevé ? - Blog - Veille - Clever Age

by 10 others, 1 comment
Notre objectif n’est pas de faire la critique absolue de Symfony, mais bien plutôt de mettre le doigt "là où ça fait mal", afin de contribuer à l’amélioration de ce formidable outil qui arrive très bientôt en 1.0 ! Et vérifier un vieil adage, par la même occasion : "qui aime bien châtie bien" !

symfony PHP5 framework » Yahoo! bookmarks uses symfony

by 1 other
But the real news about the new Yahoo! Bookmarks is that it was built with symfony. Why did Yahoo! choose our framework? According to Michael Salisbury, Technical Yahoo!, who was kind enough to give us his feedback, the major strengths of symfony over its competitors are: Great documentation, Explicit and extensive configurability, Active development, Use of best-of-breed components rather than building everything again

The Idea Basket » Blog Archive » Winning the PHP 5 Framework Wars

The race is on to take a bite out of the Web development platform pie and become the dominant PHP 5 framework. Who are the players? What are the stakes? Who will win? This essay will spell it all out for you in black and white. :: Articles :: Rails-inspired PHP frameworks

by 3 others
There are various articles online examining many PHP frameworks, providing short reviews or comparative charts, but I could not find yet an article examining the so called “Rails-inspired frameworks” anywhere on the web, so I decided to write my own…