public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from naner with tags selfhelp & reading

23 June 2006

Cool math .com - An amusement park of math and more!

great math website teaches conspts in much depth。 A place for teachers, parents, and students to learn math through games! - arbrockman This site is a great online math resource for students. It has games and lessons.Fun ways to do math, hundreds

Taking a day out

"A day out is a way to temporarily break out of my routine." Reminder to take some time out for myself!

How to overcome your social phobia!

Good article on amygdalas, emotional reactions, lists cognitive distortions: "Strictly speaking, it isn’t even people’s judgments that we fear, but our own emotional reactions to their judgments, whether the judgments are real or imaginary"

20 June 2006

19 June 2006

YOUR MONEY; Advice to All You Graduates: Let's Start With That Daily Latte - Free Preview - The New York Times

The season for giving advice to graduates as they enter the workplace. Instead of listening to yet another recitation of the usual admonishments to ''change the world,'' ''carpe diem,'' or ''wear sunscreen,'' those graduates -- unless they are already tra