public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nackereia

31 July 2006

17 July 2006

Technophilia: Find great podcasts - Lifehacker

by 1 other
A list to sites that either list great podcasts, or allow you to search for them.

16 July 2006

More Hip Than Hippie

A Fun podcast. Similar to a talk show. It's awesome. I love it.

A Funny Podcast About A Sad Girl. | Hope Is Emo

From the same guys of Ask A Ninja ( She's always sad, and always sobbing. Tis funny.


by 6 others
Searches for actual words spoke in the podcast.

Sudoku Puzzle - Easy - New York Times

The New York Times' Sudoku puzzle. They give out their hardest on Sunday.

Web Sudoku - Billions of Free Sudoku Puzzles to Play Online

by 3 others
Play Sudoku online for free, and the computer will tell you if you have an error.

Joe's Goals

by 6 others
Sign up and make goals of habits you want to make and habits you want to break. You can keep track of how well you've done througout the week.

Vampires! The Dark Alleyway

Roleplaying game. Your character is a vampire, and your goal is to drink other vampire's and humans blood while avoiding the slayers (slayers, as in more than one) and the vampire hunters, as they tend to steal your blood. Some vampire will steal your coi

14 July 2006

RIAA loses in file sharing case

RIAA lost in a case against a mother. Which totally rocks for the rest of us.


by 1 other, 6 comments
With The Sims (1&2), we were just playing house. With Spore, we can now play *God*

13 July 2006

fountain pens, rollerball pens, writing instruments - Stipula - Pen Emporium

by 1 other (via)
Stipula's online store for fountain pens, rollerball pens and writing instruments. It's a pen emporium.


by 1 other
Best of Craiglist. Rather funny lists and letters.

12 July 2006 what's new online

by 62 others, 1 comment
Another social bookmarking website similar to

See how fast you can type!

by 1 other
It'll calculate your general words per minute (gwpm), or maybe it's just your words per minute (wpm)?


Podcast that makes technology simple.

11 July 2006

= Buffy & Spike Diaries = Home

For all your spuffy (Spike/Buffy) fanfictiony needs!

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