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PUBLIC MARKS from mozkart with tags wordpress & rss



Customizing WordPress feed content at

When I last looked at customizing feeds in WordPress, it was all to do with being able to offer a summary and full text feed simultaneously—making use of WordPress' flexible feed URL syntax and a .htaccess file. In this post I look at modifying the actual contents of the feed using a functions.php file (which may already exist as part of your current theme). Just as WordPress provides a number of hooks for adding or removing actions in your theme header (see here), so to do the core files that generate your feeds. Editing the core files is however discouraged (it makes upgrading a pain), and although you can build your own replacement feed templates an easy alternative is adding a few lines to your theme's functions.php file.


Grazr - Reading List Management and Tools

by 20 others
Grazr is a free and easy way to gather and organize information from all over the Web. Use our drag and drop editor to collect feeds and links to Web pages, and then share them with others on this site, or place them on your own pages with our free widget.

aggr : afficher RSS dans wordpress

aggr aggr allows you to place the contents of an RSS feed into your pages or posts. It is a deeply modified version of the Aggregate plugin of Rob Miller (I also used an idea of Michael Jolley). To install and use it, download the zip file (latest release: 1.0b), extract aggr.php, upload this to your wp-content/plugins/ directory, activate the plugin in WordPress.