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PUBLIC MARKS from mimieganz with tags "healthy diet" & "diet food"

26 April 2007

low carb diet

Carbohydrates are the hardest part of a healthy lifestyle. All the foods we love have them: bread, pasta, sauces, muffins, and etcetera. The list goes on. Too many carbohydrates lead to increased fat stores. Nobody wants that. Trying new ideas and food items can cut carbs, add flavor, and keep our sanity intact.

29 March 2007

mediterranean diet

Would you be surprised to learn that eating the Mediterranean diet way is not only a healthy way to eat but is an effective and natural way to combat heart disease and some cancers, while losing weight inthe process? For many women, dieting for weight loss can be a daunting and somewhat restricting undertaking and especially so, if you're a vegetarian. Most weight loss diets will nearly always involve giving up or limiting your intake of some of the foods you particularly enjoy. Whether it is a low carb diet such as the atkins diet or any of the many fad diets. Either way you'll most certainly have to deprive yourself in some way

27 March 2007

Add Link

Exercise. It's been endorsed by every major health organization in the country as one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body. One half hour of moderate physical activity a day is the key to better health, they say. The best diet in the world can only go so far in helping you lose weight. To really see the effects of changing your eating habits (in lost pounds and inches, that is), you need to rev up your body with physical exercise.

25 March 2007

diet program

The Atkins diet is based on a theory of why we get fat. According to Dr. Atkins, the over-consumption of carbohydrates and simple sugars leads to weight gain. The way your body processes the carbohydrates you eat have more to do with your waistline than the amount of fat or calories that you consume. In his book, Atkins outlines a phenomenon called “insulin resistance.” He theorizes that many overweight people have cells that do not work correctly.

23 March 2007

practical diet

Why are fad diets so popular? Diets feed our need to be actively doing something. Weighing, measuring, counting whether its calories, exchanges or carbs all give us the feeling of gaining control over our bodies and our weight. In the long run, though, all the measuring and obsession with what, how much and when we eat becomes overwhelming. When we stop living by strictly controlled guidelines set out by other people the latest diet guru the weight comes back.

21 March 2007


Lately, I've been hearing a lot about how wrong for our bodies the current recommendations from our most respected medical institutions are. Well known diet gurus and nutritional researchers have stepped up to the plate to declare that the high carbohydrate, low fat diet regimens recommended by such institutions as the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association and the United States Department of Agriculture are misinformed, and frankly unhealthy.