public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mikepower

25 May 2006

24 May 2006

23 May 2006

21 May 2006

19 May 2006

Products - Docktopus - Overview

Docktopus is a Mac OS X Dock enhancement that gives you instant access to useful information and powerful new commands through your Dock icons. Similar to the way Apple Mail uses a badge to display the number of unread messages from its Dock icon, Docktop

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | Cure for cancers 'in five years'

Scientists in Manchester say a cure for all types of cancer could be available on the NHS within five years. The world's first patient trials in a technique which genetically engineers cells will take place at the city's Christie Hospital later this year

Medical marijuana | Reefer madness |

by 1 other
IF CANNABIS were unknown, and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough. : Printer Friendly Story

If diseases like AIDS and bird flu scare you, wait until you hear what's next. Doctors are trying to find out what is causing a bizarre and mysterious infection that's surfaced in South Texas.

17 May 2006

11 May 2006

All of Us Participate in a New Iraq

Last Friday I was at the University of Texas, Austin, giving a presentation on Iraq. After dumping an hour's worth of horrible "real news" about Iraq, I was asked the question I have by now learnt to expect: "Is there anything good happening there at all

03 May 2006

Illegal Art | Creative Commons

by 1 other
A museum exhibit called "Illegal Art" might sound like a history of naughty pictures. Turns out that the exhibit (through July 25 at SF MOMA Artist's Gallery) is more innocuous than most primetime TV: A Mickey Mouse gasmask. Pez candy dispensers honoring

30 April 2006

11 April 2006

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