public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from micker

18 November 2006

16 November 2006

Réalisation d'un design complet (XHTML / CSS) en 5 étapes - Alsacréations

by 10 others
Dans ce tutoriel nous allons voir étape par étape comment faire le code xhtml et css d'un design pas forcément très évolué mais vous pourrez comprendre le processus de création d'un design en xhtml et css. Vous suivrez l'évolution de la création en direct car les explications sont contenues sur la page d'exemple elle même, ne vous étonnez donc pas de trouver une page vide de design sur la première étape que je vous propose de suivre tout de suite.

Accès au tutorial Ubuntu

by 2 others
Forum de discussion pour le guide de survie pour Ubuntu

FLV Knife

by 1 other
FLV Knife is a tool which helps working with Flash Video (FLV).


by 2 others
Welcome to the Nexuiz project website. Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game project, created online by a team of developers called Alientrap. It is available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux (all the same archive).The first version was released May 31st 2005, released entirely GPL and free over the net, a first for a project of its kind. Since then it has been downloaded over half a million times, and the game is still being updated and developed, currently at version 2.1 and new releases being developed. For more screens of the project and a video see the media page on the navbar, and for more questions or infomation see info or faq. If you would like to help out the project, and encourage more development, you can donate to the team through paypal with the donation link in the navbar.

07 November 2006


by 2 others
DIEU est de retour !! A tous les flasheurs, c'est la rentrée des CLASS !! : HomePage

by 1 other
Flash components

Flash MX2004 Components

Written in AS2, built on the same architecture that drives our XPComponents, lightweight, smart and feature packed! Buy it today for only $89, including full source code!


by 24 others
Shocked Flash Resource for Tutorials, Downloads, Support, Links, and more.


by 1 other
Jide, a french webdesigner, flash developer, graphist, and icon designer. Find out my open source skins, icons, templates, my professional works and news.

Le ReSources de Neolao

by 2 others
Scripts, classes PHP, Flash, Javascript.

by 4 others
Ressources pour Flash : scripts, fla, components, tutoriaux (en français). Critiques de livres et logiciels multimédias.

by 16 others
Cours complet sur Flash et ActionScript. Plus mis à jour depuis 06/2006.

Zone Flash !

by 6 others
Serie de tres bon tutos Flash AS axé POO

andre michelle - flash experiments

by 10 others
flash experimentations utilisation de AS et des foncions graphique de flash

micker's TAGS


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3d   css   flash   jeux vidéo   linux   tutoriel general   vidéo