public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from metropol

26 April 2006

Qumana blog editor and blogging tools

by 14 others (via)
Qumana blog editor Free blog publishing tool

25 April 2006

Mapable Home - social activities on a map

by 2 others (via)
Mapable is the place where you can find common online social activities placed on a map : Family Pictures Made Easy

by 6 others (via)
Family Tree + Photo album. A place for families to share memories.

17 April 2006


by 35 others
The Museum of Moder Betas

16 April 2006

14 April 2006

11 April 2006

FeedBlendr - blending you a delicious feed smoothie!

by 23 others (via)
We'll grab your feeds, blend them up into a thick, tasty 'river of news' smoothie, and give you a single URL where you can subscribe to them all at once.

09 April 2006

07 April 2006


by 62 others (via)
StumbleUpon uses / ratings to form collaborative opinions on website quality. When you stumble, you will only see pages which friends and like–minded stumblers have liked.

06 April 2006 | Your Digital Life, Anywhere™

by 93 others, 1 comment
A portable app is a computer program that you can carry around with you on a portable device and use on any Windows computer. When your USB thumbdrive, portable hard drive, iPod or other portable device is plugged in, you have access to your software and personal data just as you would on your own PC. And when you unplug, none of your personal data is left behind.

05 April 2006

04 April 2006 | popular urls to the latest web buzz

by 101 others
It aggregates the most popular links on digg,, TailTank, YouTube and top news sites too.

Grazr, you know for feeds...

by 12 others
OPML/RSS configurable visualizer

28 March 2006

Evoca - Easily create, organize, share and search voice recordings.

by 11 others (via)
Post audio to your blog using your phone Add voice to your online profiles Search spoken words and meet new people Use Skype™ to record journal entries Form an Evoca group - share your cause Record family stories for posterity

27 March 2006

26 March 2006

BlogRolling - The best link manager for your weblog and more!

by 16 others (via)
BlogRolling is a one-stop linklist manager for your blog or journal, helping you manage your ever-evolving linklist with ease. There are a lot of tools out there to help you blog without getting your hands dirty - but managing your linklist still means having to crawl through the HTML in your template every time you want to add or remove a link.

25 March 2006

pbwiki :: Tour - 1

Make a free, password-protected wiki as easily as a peanut butter sandwich.

Gizmo – A free phone for your computer

Gizmo is a Free Phone for Your Computer


by 8 others (via)
A collection of world maps representing several different views of our planet.

Riya - Photo Search

by 47 others
We want to begin a conversation with you about the next generation of photo search. We started this company after realizing that we had 1000's of digital photos on our computer all labeled DSC0009.jpg, that our friends just never remembered to send us the photos we wanted from them, and that searching for images on the web just doesn't work very well. We are a group of determined face recognition and text recognition researchers and engineers who believe it is time for a new type of photo search that uses technology to look inside and automatically tag photos. We hope this will revolutionize how people "see" the world. This is a work in progress and we would love to have a conversation with you, our "charter" users on what you need. You can converse with us via email or via our blog. For over a year we have been talking in software code and building this service, now we want to listen, adapt, and improve.

by 1 other (via)
Meebo is an AJAX-based chat client with which you can use AIM, Google Talk, Jabber, ICQ, and more. A great aqua-like interface and the ability to do all of this without technology such as Java is a real asset when on the go. No refreshing occurs while dragging around IM windows or viewing your friend’s information. The chat works great, too, and is perfect for people who are not allowed to install chat clients on work computers. You can even set messages away and leave your browser window open. It’s a very valuable tool that won’t leave any breadcrumbs, letting people know you were chatting it up.

21 March 2006

Feed Harvest . Simple centralized RSS

Feed Harvest Simple centralized RSS We were tired of having different unread items between multiple machines. We needed a centralized location to read our RSS feeds. We wanted it clean. We wanted it simple. And shortly, we will be bringing it to you.

Flagr :: Sharewhere!

Bookmark the Real World From online or right from your mobile phone! Add Pictures Upload or send 'em from a camera phone! Invite Your Friends Know where all your friends go!

metropol's TAGS


limit:50 100 200

access   ajax   animation   api   application   art   audio   beta   blog   blogtools   bookmark   chat   collaborative   computer   connection   conversion   css   design   development   download   editor   email   engine   face   feed   file   firefox   flash   flickr   free   freeware   google   guide   history   idea   ideas   image   information   interesting   internet   javascript   knowledge   logo   mac   mail   management   map   maps   media   mobile   mozilla   music   news   online   open-source   opml   osx   panorama   phone   photo   photos   photoshop   php   plugin   podcast   productivity   programming   project   recognition   research   rss   search   share   sharing   signature   slideshow   social   software   space   storage   tag   text   tips   tool   tools   tutorial   tutorials   tv   video   visual   voice   voip   web   web2.0   website   wikipedia   windows   word   wordpress