public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tag monde2merde

17 March 2005

16 March 2005

Brevets de logiciels : la Commission entérine le racket du siècle

by 1 other (via)
Malheureusement, les conséquences de cette démarche plus que douteuse sont déjà connues. Elles participent au lent processus de décomposition de l'Europe qui est incapable de défendre son industrie et va rejoindre les nombreux contentieux en cours

Logiciels : la gloutonnerie du brevetage privé

On imagine le retard culturel qu'aurait pu prendre l'Europe si Gutenberg avait cherché à breveter son invention

15 March 2005

Digital Rights Management: A failure in the developed world, a danger to the developing world

This paper discusses the failure of DRM in the developed world, where it has been in wide deployment for a decade with no benefit to artists and with substantial cost to the public and to due process, free speech and other civil society fundamentals.

Aussie actors' guild forbids members to use Creative Commons

"The Australian equivalent of the Screen Actors Guild has apparently refused to allow its members to participate in a film project--because the project would be licensed under a Creative Commons license:"

08 March 2005

WIPO Shutting Out Public Interest Organizations

Last week, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) announced that it will shut out most public interest organizations at two important meetings devoted to intellectual property and development.

07 March 2005

Nomade's land - Les brevets logiciels

by 1 other
Excelletne synthèse - "Vous n'en avez peut-être jamais entendu parler, mais en ce moment se joue une lutte clé dans l'avenir de l'informatique et de la liberté en informatique, et de la liberté tout court."

Council Presidency Adopts Software Patent Agreement Against Council's Rules

"7 March 2005 -- The Council Presidency today declared the software agreement of 18 May 2004 to have been adopted, in violation of the procedural rules and in spite of the evident lack of a qualified majority of member states and the requests of several states to reopen negotiations." RHAAAAAAA

Boing Boing: Sonny Bono vs. Marcel Proust

"the Sonny Bono copyright act is preventing a the final volumes of a new translation of Proust from appearing in the US."

Boing Boing: Fired for hand-rolled cigarettes

'fired from a production company for the crime of possessing hand-rolled cigarettes, because they looked like joints"

Write a zombie story, go to jail

"[...] what his grandparents found in his journal and turned into police [...]"

EZ Chicken Harvester

by 1 other (via)

02 March 2005

Unhappy Birthday

by 1 other
The Clayton F. Summy Company is no longer independent, but, through a chain of purchases, the copyright for Happy Birthday To You lies securely in the hands of the Time Warner company. Happy Birthday's copyright is licensed and enforced by ASCAP, and the simple little ditty brings in more than USD $2 million in annual royalties.

01 March 2005

Je bouge avec la Poste - Le blog à Bertier

Quelqu'un sait où je peux trouver un modèle de lettre de consommateur mécontent à envoyer à la Poste ?

Les brevets logiciels en Europe : un rapide état des lieux - FFII.FR

by 1 other (via)
Qu'est-ce qu'un brevet logiciel ? A quoi servent les brevets logiciels ? Quel est le problème avec les propositions de la Commission et du Conseil ? :: EU Commission negates democracy

"A wannabe Napoleon who heads the Commission and a Microsoft puppet that runs the DG (directorate general) in charge have decided to negate democracy. Now we call on the EU Council to demonstrate a more democratic attitude and to reopen negotiations of its Common Position at the forthcoming meeting of the Competitiveness Council on Monday (7 March)."

25 February 2005

21 February 2005

Boing Boing: Freedom of Expression(R): new CC-licensed book about the copyfight

"I just read the chapter on how Happy Birthday To You ended up belonging to Time-Warner, a hair-raising and vile little story that should be required reading for everyone who argues that copyright is here to serve creators."

EFF: Dangerous Terms: A User's Guide to EULAs

common eula terms, including : "Do not criticize this product publicly.", "Using this product means you will be monitored.", "By signing this contract, you also agree to every change in future versions of it. Oh yes, and EULAs are subject to change without notice.". -- yeah

08 February 2005

07 February 2005