public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tag clevermarks

26 February 2008

Virtuous Code › Monkeypatching is Destroying Ruby

Hooks are just one of the techniques available to us for robustly handling extension in a language as dynamic and powerful as Ruby. Another is using the dependency injection style1 to decouple classes from each other and allow third parties to substitute their own classes without monkey patching. Another un-sexy but important practice is simply writing clear and comprehensive documentation of our classes’ APIs and extension points.

25 February 2008

PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser

by 10 others, 3 comments (via)
A simple PHP HTML DOM parser written in PHP5 . I wrote it is because using PHP DOM XML library to parse HTML is really a pain. The origional idea is from Jose Solorzano's HTML Parser for PHP 4.

24 February 2008

Red Hat Magazine | Python for Bash scripters: A well-kept secret

For this example we are going to create a robust command-line tool with the standard library of Python, by importing the subprocess and optparse modules.

FrontPage - IPython

An enhanced Python shell designed for efficient interactive work. It includes many enhancements over the default Python shell, including the ability for controlling interactively all major GUI toolkits in a non-blocking manner.

Hotwire - A free object-oriented hypershell

Hotwire is an object-oriented hypershell. It is a shell designed for systems programming (files, processes), and thus it is in the same conceptual category of software as the Unix shell terminal and Windows PowerShell.

func - Trac

by 1 other (via)
* Have you ever tried to command or query a large number of systems with SSH? Have you wanted a better way? * Have you wanted a way to audit all of your remote commands on all of your systems? * Tired of writing shell scripts and parsing command output? * Are you fed up with CIM, WBEM, and complicated communication systems that prevent you from doing /real/ work? * Well have we got a solution for you. It's Func.

22 February 2008

It's About the Product, Silly - Jay Pipes

So, my point is that it is not the marketing of a product that counts — indeed, false marketing statements or tactics can backfire quickly. What counts is the product itself. Marketing should be the function of promoting the innovative advantages of a product in the above three categories.

21 February 2008

Consulter votre Google Agenda via le calendrier de Gnome - Cedynamix

by 1 other
Aujourd'hui voici une astuce très simple qui vous permettra uniquement de visionner votre Agenda Google via le calendrier du panneau de Gnome. Pour cela exécutez simplement la commande suivante : $/usr/lib/evolution-webcal/evolution-webcal URL_PRIVEE_ICAL

Homepage | OpenX

by 4 others (via)
The free, open source ad server trusted by more than 30,000 web publishers in over 100 countries around the world. OpenX is a powerful ad serving solution that puts control over online advertising back in the hands of publishers.

20 February 2008

Gnu Privacy Guard tutorial, part 1 ||

This article will be a tutorial overview of using Gnu Privacy Guard to generate your own public keys. It will also discuss some of the principles of public key systems.

19 February 2008

cleverbox - - Open Source Software - Trac

by 1 other
The cleverbox provides an interactive command line shell dedicated to the deployment and maintenance of trac and subversion instances. It can handle multiple configuration profiles, enabling the deployment of differently flavored type of project (trac configuration and permissions, apache configuration templates, etc). Project's main objective is to make your life as simple as possible. Thus, it comes with easy installation, easy upgrades and a comprehensive documentation.

15 February 2008

Automated security updates in Debian « N0T a Blog

by 3 others (via)
Subscribing to the security mailing lists is a must for every sysadmin, but who has the stamina and the determination to actually read them, and then analyze the impact of both the threat and the proposed fix? A more casual user with no life-or-death-critical servers would happily settle for a solution that would download and install the security patches automatically. As always in Linux, there is more than one way of achieving this. cron-apt works for me.

JavaScript Project Generator

by 2 others (via)
A simple command-line tool to create the folders and helper files for a new JavaScript project/library. As a bonus, you can quickly create a website to promote your project.

13 February 2008


by 3 others (via)
This is pen, a load balancer for "simple" tcp based protocols such as http or smtp. It allows several servers to appear as one to the outside and automatically detects servers that are down and distributes clients among the available servers. This gives high availability and scalable performance.

Apsis Gmbh

by 1 other (via)
The Pound program is a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web server(s). Pound was developed to enable distributing the load among several Web-servers and to allow for a convenient SSL wrapper for those Web servers that do not offer it natively. Pound is distributed under the GPL - no warranty, it's free to use, copy and give away.

12 February 2008

Hypertable: An Open Source, High Performance, Scalable Database

by 2 others (via)
Hypertable is an open source project based on published best practices and our own experience in solving large-scale data-intensive tasks. Our goal is to bring the benefits of new levels of both performance and scale to many data-driven businesses who are currently limited by previous-generation platforms. Our goal is nothing less than that Hypertable become the world’s most massively parallel high performance database platform.

Main - Nginx Wiki

by 3 others (via)
Nginx ("engine x") is a high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy, as well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server. Nginx was written by Igor Sysoev for, Russia's second-most visited website, where it has been running in production for over two and a half years. Igor has released the source code under a BSD-like license. Although still in beta, Nginx is known for its stability, rich feature set, simple configuration, and low resource consumption.

SignServer 3.0 - Home

The SignServer is an application framework performing cryptographic operations for other applications. It's intended to be used in environments where keys are supposed to be protected in hardware but there isn't possible to connect such hardware to existing enterprise applications or where the operations are considered extra sensitive so the hardware have to protected more carefully. Another usage is to provide a simplified method to provide signatures in different application managed from one location in the company.

07 February 2008


durep creates disk usage reports with bar graphs, allowing one to easily deduce which directories are using the most space. Although durep can produce text output similar to du, its real power lies in the ability to store reports in a file, which can then be viewed as a web page with the supplied cgi script.

Piston ~ Easy Vendor Branch Management

by 1 other (via)
Piston is a utility that eases vendor branch management. This is similar to svn:externals, except you have a local copy of the files, which you can modify at will. As long as the changes are mergeable, you should have no problems.

06 February 2008

Grails - The search is over.

by 1 other (via)
Grails aims to bring the "coding by convention" paradigm to Groovy. It's an open-source web application framework that leverages the Groovy language and complements Java Web development. You can use Grails as a standalone development environment that hides all configuration details or integrate your Java business logic. Grails aims to make development as simple as possible and hence should appeal to a wide range of developers not just those from the Java community. Below you can find all you need to know (and more) about Grails.

05 February 2008

TagSchema - MySQLForge Wiki

by 2 others (via)
This page and related pages describe various issues surrounding the Web 2.0 tagging and folksonomy concepts, including discussions on schema architecture, common data access patterns, and replication/scale-out guidelines.