public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tag clevermarks

12 August 2007

The Usability of Passwords -

by 5 others (via)
Passwords can be made both highly secure and user-friendly.

10 August 2007

PHPUnit as a Project Mess Detector - Sebastian Bergmann

Well. As of version 3.2, PHPUnit will not only be able to calculate and collect a variety of software metrics. It will also be able to report violations of rules that are based on these metrics in PMD's XML format. This information can then be fed to any tool that integrates with PMD.

MySQL Community split officially a failure

MySQL fundamentally misunderstands their community

Download | Community MySQL Builds

DorsalSource is a community-focused website whose goal is to provide builds of MySQL and related products. It will be maintained and run by the community. Solid Information Technology and Proven Scaling took the initiative to launch it. We will add additional contributors over time.

09 August 2007

Symfony Plugins - A five minute primer

So this was really just a quick preview, but the patterns and structures shown above basically set the rules on how plugins work across the board.

07 August 2007

Exception is an Inheritance Nazi - Stubblog

Whoever made its get*() methods final and the trace property private did not thought any second about how exceptions may be used or that people need to implement their own stack trace handling.


The talk covers many different aspects in API design and contains examples of good practice and common mistakes. Many of the principles and guidelines discussed aren’t new, but you rarely see so many of them summarized.

Framework to develop simple Eclipse plugin using PHP - Eclipsepedia

by 1 other (via)
Abstract Framework to develop simple Eclipse plugin using PHP. Create a framework that could support developing simple Eclipse plugin using a PHP To Java bridge (Like Caucho's Quercus and other JSR 223 engines). Develop and document a sample plugin in PHP, so that PHP developers could create simple plugins.

Quercus: PHP in Java

by 2 others
Quercus is Caucho Technology's fast, open-source, 100% Java implementation of the PHP language.

PHP/Java Bridge

by 1 other
The php/Java bridge allows you to quickly access java classes from within your PHP scripts without having to know Java. It also allows you to access PHP scripts from within your Java classes without having to know PHP.

06 August 2007

Pardon My French, But This Code Is C.R.A.P.

by 1 other
Beauty and The Beast. I begin my exploration of ugliness in code with some background and an overview of what most people consider to be crappy code.

05 August 2007

Omnium Open - Trac

Omnium® Software provides a web-based interface, designed specifically to encourage the formation of professional, educational and public online communities and networks. It is ideal for use within visual arts & design disciplines and for others that rely on a high level of visual content. It brings members together for discussion and dynamic interaction, independent of their physical locations.

SimplePie: Super-fast, easy-to-use, RSS and Atom feed parsing in PHP.

by 21 others
SimplePie is a very fast and easy-to-use class, written in PHP, that puts the ‘simple’ back into ‘really simple syndication’. Flexible enough to suit beginners and veterans alike, SimplePie is focused on speed, ease of use, compatibility and standards compliance.

Krumo: Version 2.0 of print_r(); and var_dump();

by 8 others
To put it simply, Krumo is a replacement for print_r() and var_dump(). By definition Krumo is a debugging tool (PHP4/PHP5), which displays structured information about any PHP variable.

About Asido | Asido: PHP Image Processing Solution

by 2 others
* o o Features o Drivers o Howtos o Roadmap o News * Documentation * Download * Bug Tracker * Forums Asido at Support This Project Ohloh Metrics Home » About Asido Asido is a PHP (PHP4/PHP5) image processing solution, with “pluggable” drivers(adapters) for virtually any environment: GD2, Magick Wand, Image Magick via shell, Image Magick via extension, etc.

04 August 2007

Download WSO2 WSF/PHP, v1.0.0

WSO2 Web Services Framework/PHP (WSO2 WSF/PHP), a binding of WSO2 WSF/C into PHP is a PHP extension based on Apache Axis2/C, Apache Sandesha2/C and Apache Rampart/C for providing and consuming Web Services in PHP. WSO2 WSF/PHP supports both SOAP 1.2 and SOAP 1.1, REST style invocation and WS-* stack specifications: SOAP MTOM, WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-Security 1.0 (2004), WS-Addressing 1.0 and submission. WSO2 WSF/PHP is released under Apache License, Version 2.0

03 August 2007

Perl is Dead. Long live Perl. - O'Reilly ONLamp Blog

If Perl is dead, then it is by far the most vital, active and useful deceased programming language I have ever come across.

How to make deb packages

by 1 other (via)
This detailed how-to shows all the necessary components of a package and how to put them together to end up with a final product.

Breaking news: R3 and StickleBack Yahoo tools Open Sourced | Federico Feroldi’s blog

I just received an awesome news from my manager. Two of the most important Yahoo’s platform tools have been published to the Open Source world for your pleasure:

Target Practice - A Workshop in Tuning MySQL Queries - Jay Pipes

I gave a tutorial at OSCON last week on tuning MySQL queries, the EXPLAIN statement, the optimizer, and benchmarking. I've gone ahead and put the tutorial materials online now:


by 4 others
jTagEditor is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to turn any textarea tag into a quick tag editor in an unobtrusive manner. This plugin is easy to use and fully customizable (Styles, Tagset and behaviours).

02 August 2007

Syncotype Your Baselines —

by 2 others (via)
I wrote a simple bookmarklet script that overlays a baseline grid atop everything on the page you’re viewing.

MySQL Performance Blog » Landscape of Transactional Storage Engines for MySQL

talks about current state behavior and performance properties of Innodb, Falcon, PBXT and SolidDB Storage Engines

01 August 2007

Performance tips for web applications « The Storyteller

by 3 others (via)
I was trying to improve performance for a web application recently keeping them in mind. Let me describe how to do some of them technically.