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PUBLIC MARKS from mathieu





by 1 other
Tarawa is an Web server API, similar to Java's Servlet interface; it provides an abstraction of the Web server that allows you to easily write Web applications, without knowing the details of the HTTP protocol. This project is still under development; the API description and tutorial reflect the current direction of the project.

Skyblog de devteam

Le Skyblog de la devteam de... Skyblog.


mathieu's TAGS


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3d   abiword   accessibility   ajax   anjuta   apple   art   article   asus   automake   autotools   cache   caching   color   colorscheme   css   debug   design   dev   devhelp   dhtml   dom   ebuild   emerge   error   evince   extension   firefox   flash   flickr   float   form   framework   free   gecko   glade   gnome   gnu   graphics   gtk   guide   html   http   ichat   jabber   javascript   latency   lib   linux   m6n   money   mozilla   mysql   office   oracle   palette   patch   php   pixel   police   powerpoint   python   rails   ralink   repository   ruby   rules   scheme   scintilla   screenshot   session   smarty   sound   ssh   standards   switcher   sysfs   template   themes   thumbnail   tutorial   typographie   ubuntu   udev   usb   validation   volunteer   w3c   walktrough   web   wheel   widget   windows   wireless   wysiwyg   xhtmlhttprequest   xml   xmlhttprequest   xul   zelda