public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from masukomi

02 December 2004

CD Shell: Home

allows you to put multiple distros on a CD / DVD and choose which to boot into at startup

Miss Lonelynotes

by 1 other
note card metaphor. It manages them for writing

Raging Menace - SideTrack

trackpad enhancement software

30 November 2004


by 1 other
repartition osx drives


by 1 other
open source vector graphics application

Interleave and Pine

use pine to read your folders

macosxhints - Secure POP and SMTP email via SSH

simple port forwarding instruction

29 November 2004


by 2 others
osx keyboard shortcuts


by 2 others
image resizing and cropping


by 2 others
grabs everything from your ipod

28 November 2004

26 November 2004


by 29 others
wiki format books

25 November 2004


by 4 others
intelligent distributed version control

masukomi's TAGS


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adult   ajax   beos   blog   bookmarking   bugs   business   comics   css   cvs   database   development   eclipse   encryption   environment   ergonomics   firefox   foaf   folksonomy   fonts   games   google   googlebase   graphics   gui   hardware   hcard   html   humor   i18n   icons   identity   illustration   ipod   japan   japanese   java   javascript   jms   kde   knitting   linux   living   lucene   messaging   metrics   mindmapping   misc   motorcycle   mvc   nanowrimo   networking   opensource   opml   osx   outsourcing   p2p   palm   perl   podcast   privacy   productivity   programming   publishing   python   rails   rss   ruby   scooter   search   secondlife   security   server   shopping   socialsoftware   software   spam   sql   statistics   stats   stomp   suse   svg   syndication   t-shirts   typo   unix   useful   warcraft   web   webmail   webservices   wiki   windows   wow   writing   xhtml   xml   xslt