On Internet Explorer and Microsoft
First we had the news that Outlook was to use Word as it’s default HTML renderer*, and now we have the launch of Windows Phone 7 with a modded version of IE7 as its browser.
Yahoo committed seppuku today
"Oh, you like my house and you're willing to pay double what I paid for it? Did I mention I just redid the kitchen, bought the lot next door and put in a newHVAC system?" How much is it worth to you now? That's gangster CEO-level poker playing
It's Finally Official, Microsoft & Yahoo Make A Deal, Yahoo Gives Up On Search
Microsoft will acquire an exclusive 10 year license to Yahoo!’s core search technologies, and Microsoft will have the ability to integrate Yahoo! search technologies into its existing web search platforms
It's Official: Microsoft and Yahoo Announce Search Deal
Énorme : "In a taped video statement Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer argues that the agreement will bring choice back to consumers"
They Shoot Browsers, Don't They?
by 1 otherInstead, the proposed default behavior demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the World Wide Web, a place that according to its creator, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, will always be "a little bit broken."
Signal to noise
Some people seem to think that Opera's recent legal action against Microsoft will cause relations in the CSS Working Group to deteriorate and thereby damage our group's ability to function
Microsoft France - Le Jargonaute
Super weak : le langage IT... comme vous n'avez jamais osé le parler. Le dictionnaire du pauvre.
Easily Open .docx On A Mac
.docx is the new default extension for Microsoft Word. The simple way to avoid any complications would be to simply make sure everybody is saving it in an older format until we've all upgraded. Actually, I'm just dreaming.
Bypass WGA in Style
WGA is a pain in the butt for many of us. Even if we have a legal copy of windows it just makes us do things we don’t want to.
(16 marks)