public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from marcjo with tag standards

20 May 2008

AIA - Accessibility Interoperability Alliance

Initiated by the accessibility industry, the Accessibility Interoperability Alliance (AIA) is a group of leading Information Technology (IT) and Assistive Technology (AT) companies, content providers, and other key engineering organizations, working to create and harmonize standards for accessible technology.

27 January 2007

13 January 2007

A list apart for people who make websites

by 101 others
A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices


by 7 others
Qualité, conformité et accessibilité des sites web


by 62 others, 3 comments
Alsacréations est une communauté dédiée à la conception web aux normes, et notamment aux standards W3C, aux feuilles de style CSS, aux langages HTML et XHTML, ainsi qu'à l'accessibilité du Web en général


by 38 others
Web design puisé à la source

marcjo's TAGS related to tag standards

accessibilité +   bonnes pratiques +   design +