public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags hacking & howtos

15 November 2005

09 November 2005

Ten RSS Hacks

by 8 others
10 RSS power user tips that you can use to enhance your life. Some of these you might already know, others you may not.

06 November 2005

05 November 2005

GTDTiddlyWiki Blog - your simple client side wiki

by 27 others
is a GettingThingsDone adaptation by NathanBowers of JeremyRuston's Open Source TiddlyWiki. The purpose of GTD Tiddly Wiki is to give users a single repository for their GTD lists and support materials so they can create/edit lists, and then print directl

TiddlyWiki Home - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook

by 85 others
an experimental MicroContent WikiWikiWeb built by JeremyRuston. It's written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to run on any modern browser without needing any ServerSide logic. It allows anyone to create personal SelfContained hypertext documents that can be p

04 November 2005

OSx86 Project - Home

by 6 others
the latest news about OS X on x86 hardware. We're not about hacking - we're here to discuss the world's most advanced OS on x86 hardware. Check out our wiki for tutorials and other information. Also, join our forum to engage in some great conversation.

29 September 2005