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PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags download & my-install-notes

14 October 2005

Bookmarklets Reference Site

quick helpers for web pages. They are impelemented as small snippets of javascript, contained in the href attribute of a html link element. A bookmarklet works in the context of a html page, which means that they need to be invoked from your bookmark menu

Jesse's Bookmarklets Site

by 45 others
Bookmarklets are free tools to help with repetitive or otherwise impossible tasks in your web browser. To use a bookmarklet from this site on another web page:

squeak: fun and games

an excellent game development platform. Included in Squeak are a number of games to get you started. Of course, being Squeak all of the source code is included, and is ready for reuse.

squeak entertainment packages

squeakmap - an excellent game development platform. Included in Squeak are a number of games to get you started. Of course, being Squeak all of the source code is included, and is ready for reuse.

13 October 2005

Kat Desktop Search Environment - Home

by 2 others
an open source framework designed to allow kde applications to index and retrieve files.

CLiki : Index Home common lisp

by 4 others
Links to and resources for free software implemented in Common Lisp and available on Unix-like systems.

12 October 2005

11 October 2005

quick note - firefox extension

provides a means of copying and pasting passages of text from webpages and saving it on a post-it note-style window.

platypus firefox extension

a Firefox extension which lets you edit a Web page from your browser -- "What You See Is What You Get" -- and then save those changes as a Greasemonkey script to be applied every time you visit the page.

10 October 2005

dag: blackbox rpm packages for fedora - a very small and fast window manager

for the x window environment - fast interface with multiple workspaces & simple menus. fast built-in graphics code that can render solids, gradients and bevels used to draw window decorations. remaining small in size, blackbox preserves memory and cpu

configuring linux: a basic guide -

a basic article on how to configure linux so that it will run your webserver, telnet, ftp, mysql etc.