public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from macroron with tags & howtos

November 2005

Ajax Patterns Home

by 45 others
an Ajax portal and homepage for the upcoming "Ajax Design Patterns" book (O'Reilly), with full text online. Maintained by Michael Mahemoff

October 2005

Can't Get Enough Desktops!

by 1 other
It is possible to run multiple desktops simultaneously, and it is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

Mozilla Demos Page

by 2 others
This page contains links to a few demos which show off Mozilla's excellent standards support.

Sticky Notes Demo -

This demo uses XBL to create a widget that functions as a board for PostIt notes. It's possible to add new Notes, to edit already existed ones (E) and to delete obsolete ones (X).

AJAX - resource center - documentation -

by 25 others
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is not a technology in itself, but is a term that describes a "new" approach to using a number of existing technologies together, including: HTML or XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, The Document Object Mode

September 2005