public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from longhorn2000 with tag blog

28 September 2006

Go To Plan B

Almost everybody wakes up at one time or another filled with dread just at the thought of having to go into work...However, for some the feeling of dread never goes away.

When is a Hysterectomy Necessary?

Three years ago, I was giving a lecture to a large group of women. One of the topics which I discussed was about hysterectomies. Out of curiosity I asked the audience through a show of hands to let me know how many had hysterectomies. The response shocked me. More than ½ raised their hands. They were women between 35- 60 years of age and there were more than 100 in attendance.

27 September 2006

Exploring the Job Candidate Bill of Rights (Part 3)I

It’s amazing how often the things we talk about that need to be done in recruiting are things that we’ve all probably be hearing since we were three. In this case, don’t lie and make sure people know exactly what they’re getting into before they meet with you. It’ll make it much easier for the candidate, but it will also give recruiters and hiring authorities a much better chance of finding the type of talent they’re looking for.

26 September 2006

Could Your Thyroid be Underactive? Will Your Doctor Know if it is?

Thyroid conditions are common–some experts estimate that close to 60 million Americans have a thyroid problem, and the majority are hypothyroid. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people with thyroid disease also have not been diagnosed or treated.

22 September 2006

Spamalot: The Job Boards’ Not-so-Dark Secret

The spam/spam filter problems serve as another reminder of how broken the system has become. Candidates don’t know if their info is safe, recruiters are missing out on potential clients, and everyone is spending far too much time trying to get down to brass tacks. There simply doesn’t seem to be a job board or online recruiting system in place that is able to cope with the number of candidates and recruiters out there.

21 September 2006

Focusing on Job Candidates

"Itz time to throw a little love the recruiters’ way. What can be done to make the lives of these mighty men and women a little easier? Itz time for a Recruiter’s Bill of Rights. Why should candidate’s be the only ones with a bill of their own, right? Well, as luck would have it, someone has taken John Younger’s Job Candidate Bill of Rights and transfered it piece by piece into the realm of the recruiter."

20 September 2006

Do you really want the job? ‘Cause it doesn’t seem like you do.

"With our recent exploration of the Job Candidate Bill of Rights and all of our talk about “candidate control,” it might seem as though we’re blaming everything that’s wrong with the industry on recruiters; as if somehow it’s only the fault of the recruiter (or hiring authority) that’s keeping candidates from landing their dream jobs. Not so, friends."

The Link between Breast Cancer and Estrogen Dominance

"While I would not presume to suggest that progesterone is a cure for breast cancer, this study certainly supports the theory that it can help prevent it. Other research suggests that natural, bioidentical progesterone may delay the progression of this often deadly disease."

12 September 2006

Exploring the Job Candidate Bill of Rights (Part 1)

The recruiter shouldn’t do anything regarding confidentiality without the authorization of the candidate. In plain English, the candidate is in control of their personal and professional data. If the candidate says “don’t contact this former employer,” you don’t do it.