public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from lindmar with tag "making money online"

June 2008

No such thing as bad publicity.

Mark Hopkins continues his public bashing of John Reese See the latest installment here! And the comments continue to pour into John's blog. Some of Mark's comments today are pretty wacky. "affiliate marketing world works is to liken it to a spyware in...

Respect for the Internet Marketer

Internet marketing is a funny business. People ask what we do, and sometimes it’s hard to explain. People don’t get it. We create information products and sell them online. We help people market their offline businesses online. We help p...

Build a Product, Launch and Earn some money in 7 days?

Do you think its possible? Can you create a product or service in only 7 days and actually make sales from it? For sure. Do you think it can happen? I do. In fact, I know it’s possible. But just to be sure, we’ve got others doing it ...

May 2008

Ready, Aim, Fire....

Haven’t posted in a few months. How terrible! I’m working on a new training program to help people get their businesses off the ground. I’ve also deleted a bunch of old blog posts I wasnt happy with. When I first started this blog I ...

December 2007

Speaking of the Mindset....

If you haven’t read the first post in this series, please back up and read "The Fast Track To Financial Independance," which is my previous blog posting. Today we’re moving on to the Mindset. So, what exactly is the real key to ...

The Fast-Track To Financial Independance

The Fast-Track To Financial Independence So, what is the fastest road to financial independence? I’m willing to bet that you already know the answer. The quickest way to gain financial independence is to have your own business. A business where...

October 2007

The BlogRush Disaster?

BlogRush…… What are we going to do here? We’re 5 days now without any stats. John Reese keeps posting to his blog "amazing changes coming soon, any day now, tomorrow, ok the next day, we’re manually reviewing 1 million sit...

September 2007

Google Launches Gadget Ads

Two posts in one day? OK I know but I think I need to make a quick note about Google Gadget Ads. Yesterday, Google launched Gadget Ads. According to Google, Gadget Ads are " Gadget ads enable advertisers and agencies to engage audiences on th...

Blogrush, What's the catch?

Well I thought I should write about Blogrush since I added it. But first a rant. Blogrush is from "Internet marketing guru" John Reese. I didn’t know who John Reese was even after a few years of marketing online but eventually I found...

July 2007

Cross Promotion Secrets

One of the biggest things many online marketers are missing is Cross Promotion conversions. Many of us are missing the boat and we’re missing cross promotion possibilities each time a product is sold. In fact, cross promotion can easily result...

Your Customers Are Human Not ATM Transformers

About a week ago, on a forum I regularly visit and participate at, one post last week really just rubbed me the wrong way. I won’t get back into who or what was said but it essentially made the point that what mattered was not, who was on the ot...

June 2007

May 2007

Perfect Web Copy? Does it exist...

It is not very often that I post an opportunity like this.  As a matter of fact, this opportunity is only going to be offered once, ever. So…Please read every word of this blog.  It’s that important. On the internet, there is one thing th...

Automating The Process of Gathering Testimonials?

Hey, Remember last week I talked about Testimonials and how important they are? Well, “Big” Mike Kotzakolios and I are running a WSO (Warrior Special Offer) over at the Warrior Forum for a pretty groundbreaking piece of software we’...

Credibility, Social Proof and Customer Satisfaction...

Are these three things important to your business? Are they important to the products you sell online? Well, they should be. In fact, they should be at the very top of the most important things you must seek to achieve when selling anything. Of course,...

April 2007

Camtasia on Mac

This won’t make much sense to my regular readers unless you’re working on a mac and looking to use Camtasia. I know this has been written about in various locations…I’ve searched for a long time to find a working solution to get...

The Only Wordpress Install Guide You'll Ever Need!

A lot of people struggle with installing Wordpress from the start. Don’t get me wrong.. This is the easiest blog platform I’ve ever worked with but for a beginner the task of setting up Wordpress on your own hosting can be a challenge. And ...

$5000 Recurring Income?

OK. The cats out of the bag. I’m working on a major Membership Site Package. This will be the package that shows you the EXACT steps you need to take to create a insanely successful Membership Site! I really don’t have an exact date yet for...

March 2007

A Book I Recommend

This is a post that I placed in my private members forum yesterday. It is really such a great book that I thought I should share it here as well. I highly recommend this book. I don’t have an affiliate link or anything. It’s a book from ama...

lindmar's TAGS related to tag "making money online"

adsense +   adwords +   internet business +   internet marketing +   search engine optimization +   seo +