public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kyleofalberta

03 July 2006

Open Video Contest | Creative Commons

Creative Commons and the Fedora Project have teamed up to promote open video by launching a contest. Join us for a chance to win a Fedora-branded Sony Camcorder.

01 July 2006

CIC Canada | News Release 2006-05 - Celebrating Citizenship on Canada Day

The Honourable Monte Solberg, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, today announced that over 1,000 people will become Canadian citizens on July 1 by taking the oath of citizenship at over 25 citizenship ceremonies in communities across the country. These special Canada Day ceremonies are part of Celebrate Canada!, 11 days of festivities that run each year from June 21 to July 1 in celebration of Canadian citizenship, values and heritage.

30 June 2006

28 June 2006

27 June 2006

26 June 2006


by 21 others
Great site design and great analytical software!

Elm Cottage Ballarat Accommodation

Great design (and quite functional)


by 6 others
Great design and very functional.

25 June 2006


by 6 others
A great community-based browser, albeit buggy at times.

kyleofalberta's TAGS


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.ca   alberta   anime   best   bittorrent   bleach   britain   browser   canada   canadian   Canadian Immigration   canadian-citizenship   canuck   cbc   christian   church   citizenship   coffee   creative-commons   css   daily   design   directory   domain   editor   edmonton   Employment in Canada   england   english   examples   extensions   fanlisting   fanlistings   fans   fansub   fansubs   fireworks   flip-flops   fora   free   freelance   game   government   hate   hatelistings   humour   immigration   Immigration Canada   internet   jaret   javascript   july-first   Kyoto Protocol   links   linux   london   media   news   nomination   ogg   open   opensource   personal   personals   php   plugins   pnp   pr-card   project   provincial   radio   rails   red-hat-linux   reference   ruby   rubyonrails   sandwiches   search   site   sony-handycam   statistics   survey   templates   timbits   tomball   tools   topsites   torrent   torrents   tv   uk   university   visitors   web   wendy's   whois   windows   wordpress   work   xhtml