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PUBLIC MARKS from kinwa with tags tutorial & "EXCEL 2007"

October 2009

Different Forms Of Microsoft Excel Training

There are many different types of Microsoft excel training that can be used for any purpose. You can find extensive training or training on just certain areas of excel. There are individuals that excel at Microsoft excel training and can be scheduled t...

June 2009

Microsoft Excel Navigation Techniques

Each Excel document is called a workbook and each workbook can contain up to 255 worksheets. To navigate to a particular worksheet, click on one of the tabs displayed at the bottom of your screen.

March 2009

Using Microsoft Excel 2007's Freeze Panes Command

by 1 other
Many of the worksheets that are created Excel contain headings in the top row of the sheet. Normally, when we scroll down the sheet, any headings at the top will disappear. Similarly, if we scroll to the right, any headings on the left will disappear. ...

Using The COUNTIF Function in Microsoft Excel 2007

by 1 other
The COUNTIF function is used to calculate the number of cells in a given range which satisfy a condition. COUNTIFS does pretty much the same. However, this time, we can specify multiple criteria. By way of illustration, let's say we have a worksheet co...

February 2009

Using Different Formatting In The Same Cell In Microsoft Excel

by 1 other
When changing the appearance of text within an Excel worksheet, you have the choice of working on the entire cell or at the text level. To work at the cell level you simply highlight one or more cells and choose your formats. The formats that you choos...

Creating Different Formats In The Same Cell In Microsoft Excel

When changing the appearance of text within an Excel worksheet, you have the choice of working on the entire cell or at the text level. To work at the cell level you simply highlight one or more cells and choose your formats. The formats that you choos...

Microsoft Excel 2007 Text Alignment Options

by 1 other
The alignment section of the Home Tab of the Excel 2007 ribbon is home to a number of options relating to the way in which your data is position within the cell. The most familiar and most frequently used icons in this section are the three relating to...