public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kinwa with tags photography & technology

September 2009

Complete Guide To Digital Photos and Photo Editing

by 1 other
Almost anyone that buys a computer today automatically wants to purchase a digital camera. They have witnessed others use them and have seen the results. They find it fun and exciting and it truly is. What they do not realize is that the digital camera...

10 Simple Tips To Better Digital Photo Taking

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Often people will judge the camera by the picture it takes, failing to realize the camera operator plays a big part in this as well. Many novices feel that they just simply look and shoot. Any touch ups can be easily done with the photo editing softwar...

May 2009

The Finer Nuances Of Buying A Digital Camera

I knew that i needed a new camera when I reached the point of couldn't getting more from the point-and-shoot Canon PowerShot devices that i have been using for six years now. I took a lot of pictures, because they're handy and portable and I always had...

April 2009

Compact Dimension:

by 1 other
Every parent wishes to see their children blissful, delighted and positive all the time. Therefore, they like to cause their youngsters bliss in every possible means. When it comes to giving your kid something, there is nothing resembling giving them a...

March 2009

Best digital camera today - Nikon Coolpix P90

by 1 other
You can understand why so many people are confused when they decide to buy their first digital camera, with so many variations, what do you look for? For someone who is dedicated then they may spend quite some time researching consumer reports to find ...