public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kinwa with tags government & fashion

20 May 2009

Bank of China in Taiwan to become the first mainland bank to set up institutions

Beijing, April 27 Mar Bank of China spokesman Wang zhao wen27 Japanese media said that before the signing of the "Cross-Strait financial cooperation agreement" to allow both commercial and financial institutions in the body both sides will cross-strait...

08 May 2009

Smearing China" has become the concealed obstacles to trade

by 1 other
Recently, Western nations enthusiastic to discredit China to set up through a obscured trade hurdles, for instance, China's rampant guesswork the so-called "toxic materials" episode and the "network of spies in China."

02 May 2009

China's hydroelectric power scope for in saving its location as the world's first assembly

by 1 other
April 20 Beijing China electrical power development has moved into a large power place, large entities, high-voltage, large power grids, automation and knowledge era. The reporter educated from the unclasping in Beijing on the 20th the second global gr...

29 April 2009

China's auto industry: the reorganization of the acquisition came at a crossroads

Areas of concern arrive towards the Chinese automotive industry is at the crossroads of the acquisition of the reorganization. On the Chery, Dongfeng, SAIC, Changan, Geely and even steam-Canton Volvo acquisition rumors appeared frequently within modern...

Chery Automobile Emblem Bank to set up investment businesses

The field of automobile financing in China, self-brand enterprises and joint ventures have been the same treatment. Huishang Bank by Chery and Chery joint venture formed silver emblem car finance company, on April 21 announced the setting up in Shangha...

26 April 2009

CNNIC cooperation with the mother-tongue IE8 Internet Internet will become the mainstream way of the future

by 1 other
April 21 report, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) in China and Microsoft together broadcast today, the two edges will elaborate co-operation founded on the Microsoft IE8.