public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from kinwa with tags auto & society

18 May 2009

WiFi Alliance to endorse P2P in secret to elude the in the household portable handset operators WiFi

Although the letter of the Department of Public WiFi wireless access, there is no sign of compromise, but the domestic mobile phone manufacturers have been "Unleashed" - to test a large number of sales without the name of the WiFi network card mobile p...

29 April 2009

China's auto industry: the reorganization of the acquisition came at a crossroads

Areas of concern arrive towards the Chinese automotive industry is at the crossroads of the acquisition of the reorganization. On the Chery, Dongfeng, SAIC, Changan, Geely and even steam-Canton Volvo acquisition rumors appeared frequently within modern...

20 April 2009

ZOL GOME jointly released the new trend of mobile phone in 2009

As the electric-powered retail oversized Gome has over its web to assure the sincerity of the every part of wares sales, as well as the comprehensive superiority of lead in the industry. In 2008, GOME portable retail market is in addition competent to ...

50 display up a powerful lineup of Toyota vehicles will be revealed in Shanghai Auto Show

by 1 other
Thirteenth assembly of the Shanghai International Motor Show in Shanghai New International Expo Center to commence soon. Toyota Motor Corporation (hereinafter cited to as Toyota) will be a tough line-up at the booth indoors the public display building ...

28 March 2009

Touch Technology feelings LG "Cookie" into the mainstream mobile phone

by 1 other
80~from the twentieth century the first generation since the emergence of mobile phones, people experience a mobile phone from the original Big Brother was all the rage to the airframe as well as our heavy blunt mechanical mode of operation up to now t...