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20 December 2005 10:30

哥特音乐与哥特文化 - 天空 息乐园 - Time tames the strongest grief... - by 「虹」

「歌特」(Gothic)这个特定的字汇,早先指涉的是西欧的日耳曼部族。 在18世纪到19世纪的建筑文化与书写层面,所谓的「歌特复兴」(gothic revival),将中古世纪的阴暗情调从历史脉络的墓窖挖掘出来。同时,从18世纪末以来的一些文本,因为共同的基调与文体被归类于「歌特小说」例如华尔普(Walpole)的<奥蓝托城堡> (The Castle of Otranto)、安.拉得克里孚(Ann Radcliff)的《奥多芙的神秘》(The Mysteries of Udolpho)、路易斯(Lewis)的《僧侣》(The Monk),当然还有玛丽.雪莱的《科学怪人》。 [abc] 这些作品戮力於处理残酷的激情与超自然的恐怖主题,而小说的背景通常建构于荒凉的古堡或者幽深的修道院,主角(通常是稚嫩的少女/男)身陷於无以摆脱的魔性爱欲,和(通常是阳性的)施虐者展开一段以死亡为终结的际遇......在这些小说,个中包含的情欲/性别(sexual/gender)关系,古怪地纠缠於神圣与魔鬼的角力;极度的情色高潮来自於破灭(也就是仪式的「完成」)的那一刻。

《Es reiten die Toten so schnell》歌词中英文(上) - 天空 息乐园 - Time tames the strongest grief... - by 「虹」

1. Omen Sinistrum Kiss the corpse, the blessed sigh, walk in the garden of the night. Hold the carcass, sweetest lie, bury the body you chose to deny. Shed a tear, suspended in fear... - every soul is starving here. 亲吻尸体,被庇佑着的叹息, 进入这夜的花园。 抱紧尸体,用最甜美的姿势躺卧, 埋葬你选择拒绝的身体。 流泪 悬在深深的恐惧里。。。— 这里的每个灵魂都饱受饥寒。 2. Dead Souls

20 December 2005 10:15

《Es reiten die Toten so schnell》歌词中英文(中) - 天空 息乐园 - Time tames the strongest grief... - by 「虹」

Today they've found another one, Lifeless on the cold subway-floor. His face was turned to his back ... - The same way the other died before. Drain the mortals to their last convulsion and veil the ancient cause, Let off ... of them ... and see them tumble, Let off and enjoy their fall! The Feast of Blood ... - Sweet nourishment, provided with a sob!

《Es reiten die Toten so schnell》歌词中英文(下) - 天空 息乐园 - Time tames the strongest grief... - by 「虹」

The living ... have a look at the living: Dancing blindly ... losing balance, Will you chose pain ... or will you prefer the penance; The penance. The living ... have a look at the living: Dancing blindly ... losing balance, Will you chose pain ... or will you prefer the penance; The penance. The living and the undead, The living and the undead.

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