public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from julie with tag css

May 2008

Les hacks c'est pas bien ! -

by 3 others

La tentation de recourir à des hacks est grande lorsque l'on commence à se lancer dans l'intégration d'un site web. Lorsque l’on s'aperçoit que la page développée s'affiche différemment d'un navigateur à l'autre, on se dit très souvent que c'est le navigateur (Internet Explorer pour ne pas le citer) qui interprète le code ou la feuille de style n'importe comment.

April 2008


by 6 others

phpFreeChat is a free, simple to install, fast, customizable and multi languages chat that uses a simple filesystem for message and nickname storage. It uses AJAX to smoothly refresh (no flicker) and display the chat zone and the nickname zone. It supports multi-rooms (/join), private messages, moderation (/kick, /ban), customized themes based on CSS and plugins systems that allows you to write your own storage routines (ex: Mysql, IRC backends …), and you own chat commands !

March 2008

January 2008

CSS Text Wrapper

by 13 others (via)
The CSS Text Wrapper allows you to easily make HTML text wrap in shapes other than just a rectangle. You can make text wrap around curves, zig-zags, or whatever you want. All you have to do is draw the left and right edges below and then copy the generated code to your website. Get to it! Tested in Internet Explorer 6 , Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Netscape.

Snipplr - Code 2.0

by 20 others
Snipplr is a public source code repository that gives you a place to store and organize all the little pieces of code that you use each day. Best of all, it lets you share your code snippets with other coders and designers. Did we mention it works with TextMate, too? It's code 2.0.

December 2007

Create Resizable Images With CSS | Smiley Cat Web Design

by 2 others

Method One uses a background image. The main disadvantage of this method (other than the fact that the image is taken out of the content) is that I couldn't find a way to keep the image in the center of the div.

Method Two — my preferred solution — places the image inside the div in the HTML. This enables it to be centered within the div (thanks to Jonathan Snook for helping out with the CSS).


by 18 others

CSSTidy is an opensource CSS parser and optimiser. It is available as executeable file (available for Windows, Linux and OSX) which can be controlled per command line and as PHP script (both with almost the same functionality).

November 2007

Home | Email Standards Project

by 22 others
The Email Standards Project works with email client developers and the design community to improve web standards support and accessibility in email. + test Acid dans les webmails

Lancement de l'Email Standards Project - Blog Alsacréations : XHTML, CSS et Standards web

Email standards project. Les standards, c'est bien, si ça marchait dans les emails, ça serait mieux.

October 2007

FleXcroll, Flexible and Accessible Custom Scroll Bars

by 4 others

A Cross Browser* and Standards Compliant Custom ScrollBar Script by Hesido

September 2007

August 2007

June 2007

Unicode for CSS Class Names -

by 1 other (via)
.□ { /* container styles */ } .┌ { /* top-left styles */ } .┐ { /* top-right styles */ } .└ { /* bottom-left styles */ } .┘ { /* bottom-right styles */ }

April 2007

March 2007

google-code-prettify - Google Code

by 7 others (via)
A Javascript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page.

swfIR: swf Image Replacement

by 25 others
swfIR (swf Image Replacement) is here to solve some of the design limitations of the standard HTML image and its widely-accepted associated CSS values, while still supporting standards-based design concepts. Using the dark arts of JavaScript and Flash, swfIR gives you the ability to apply an assortment of visual effects to any or all images on your website. Through progressive enhancement, it looks through your page and can easily add some new flavor to standard image styling.