public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags usability & space

December 2006

Proceedings of the Athanasius Kircher Society

by 2 others
"Our interests extend to the wondrous, the curious, the singular, the esoteric, the arcane, and the sometimes hazy frontier between the plausible and the implausible." a whacky collection

Gene Pool

by 2 others
a science game: "a virtual Darwinian aquarium .. you initiate a primordial soup, and .. check up on what Virtual Mother Nature is up to - about every 15 min. (or every few days)"

November 2006

Design Observer: writings about design & culture

by 1 other
very well written blog; as I have commented before, knowing about space and place is crucial for thoughtful mediamakers

by 1 other
blog by woman interested in feminism and social uses of technology, including marketing, politics and pop culture


complete book online, covers many areas often not dealt with, such as porn sites and dating sites; one insight that may draw you to read more: "the times that count in cyberspace are highly accelerated and strongly individualized."

Visual thinking school on Squidoo

by 1 other
basic concepts broken down into useful small steps, with many visual examples to guide process. Web 2.0 in that it provides for interaction and author's introduction to sections.

Puzzle JumpStation - Links to Puzzles on the Web

visual computer puzzles; if you have kids at your house or visiting, this will keep them busy for hours; levels from easy to difficult

$99,000 house

built out of shipping containers, schematics given; is this sustainability?

Vectors Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular

"multiple contours of daily life in an unevenly digital era... how technology shapes, transforms, reconfigures, and/or impedes social relations...including issues of globalization, mobility, power, and access"


by 26 others
Create a map of your life* Build a map for your event* Make a travelogue* Create a map with photos and videos

Digital Photography Techniques

brief description with visual examples of how depth of field, dynamic range, and field of view can evoke a hightened emotional response in a photo's viewer


papers and audiovisual texts on "the discourses, ideologies, and human experiences/uses of new media apparatuses"

October 2006

Imaginary Museum Projects - Tjebbe van Tijen

by 1 other
innovative uses of image and text in a wide range of projects, many cultural and historical, to create an uniquely online museum-like experience

Anxious Libraries

wonderfully designed hypertext project on what libraries might mean today, with all those books few people read; a model of a hypertext exploration of an important intellectual topic

June 2006

user experience design

by 2 others
Peter Morville, whose book Ambient Findability, is a classic about user experience of the Internet here says users want a site that is useful, usable, desirable, findable, accessible, credible. Common sense, but rarely said so clearly!