public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags news & education

December 2006

Proceedings of the Athanasius Kircher Society

by 2 others
"Our interests extend to the wondrous, the curious, the singular, the esoteric, the arcane, and the sometimes hazy frontier between the plausible and the implausible." a whacky collection, The Story Place of the Web

by 1 other
narrative+history+pictures+encyclopedia; "safe, fast and fun way to learn the real story behind historic events, famous people, heroic exploits, legends, disasters, movies, plus topics of current and general interest"

November 2006

Imagining the Internet

by 1 other
popular site from Pew Internet Project; allows people to make predictions, read predictions from the 90s; nice for kids

Cabinet Magazine Online -

a quarterly journal of art, design, culture; partly playful, some art, some scholarly essays; good mix of specific reviews and overviews

lens culture: contemporary photography magazine

by 4 others
Photographyy internationally: documentary, fine art, photojournalism, lyrical, personal, abstract, human, and street photography. Essays, interviews with photographers, reviews of exhibitions and photo books.

"We"--with the words of Arundhati Roy

a 64-minute Internet documentary made anonymously in New Zealand, using Roy's speech and a montage of politically inflected imagery; new style of essayistic documentary; DVD at hi-res available

Solution Watch - Your descriptive source of solutions

by 14 others, 1 comment
"reviewing and providing in-depth walkthroughs of today’s best products and services"; valuable because of plethora of new Web 2.0 software; explanation of how to use it gives clues as to if you would want to try new software.

October 2006

HowStuffWorks - Learn how Everything Works!

by 4 others
Check out how blogs work, how MySpace works, how DSL works, how digital cameras work; also how to buy....

July 2006

ScreenSite: media education, film terminology, syllabi, news articles, film schools

by 1 other
upgrade July 06; essential site for film and media syllabi, annotated journal roundups, and inventory of college media programs; new category for posting articles