public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags academic & space

02 November 2006

walking as knowing as making

a concept of walking = knowledge building sensorially; bibliography of readings linked to here

01 November 2006

The Art of Rent by David Harvey, SR 2002 | Socialist Register

"a widespread belief that there is something special about certain cultural products and events (be they in the arts, theatre, music, cinema, architecture or more broadly in localized ways of life, heritage, collective memories and affective communities).

Continental Drift a seminar with Brian Holmes

"articulating the immense geopolitical and economic shifts which took place between 1989-2001, the effects of those changes on bodies of governance and in turn the effects on subjectivity today"; links to political and social readings

Project Premises : Sed : A Trail of Thirst

hypertext and visual arts project on southwest US and politics of the border; extensive essay with incorporated artistic material; new vision of documentary media, visual ethnography


by 28 others
"independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts"; lots on experimental film

31 October 2006

Jeffrey Ruoff: Publications

major writer on visual ethnography has many of his essays online

Story Myth Dream Drama by Helena Sheehan

chapter one of "Irish Television Drama: A Society and Its Stories" offered by author online

Vectors Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular

"Vectors maps the multiple contours of daily life in an unevenly digital era, crystallizing around themes that highlight the social, political, and cultural stakes of our increasingly technologically-mediated existence."

24 October 2006

Fast Capitalism ejournal

interdisciplinary journal on information and communication in 21st cent. economy and culture; good authors; focus on new media

23 October 2006

21 October 2006

Knowing Knowledge - a photoset on Flickr by George Siemens

for those interested in infoaesthetics, this set of 57 images about aspects of knowledge is a stimulating philosophical exercise and a way to ask students how they might have made an image of similar interacting concepts

18 October 2006

Bruno Latour: ARTICLES

most of these works are in English and have full text version online

Professor Stephen Graham - Writing & Publication

left urban geographer, with many online writings, often with an international focus

Praxis (e)Press - Contents

"critical works in theory and practice in several fields from a variety of different theoretical perspectives – including anarchist, anti-racist, environmentalist, feminist, marxist, postcolonial, poststructuralist, queer, situationist and socialist"

17 October 2006


"different modes of life embodied within local domains, yet globally interconnected at the same time"


Journal of Cultural and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular

multilingual web journal

check out sections to left on main page, and also writings listed under "correspondence"

translations of essays on activist art

On republicart, click on the words listed to the left under Discourse to see essays on topics such as: alternative economics, public sphere, precariousness, represenations, space of empire, art sabotage.

influence of Henri Lefevre

Stuart Elden traces influence of Lefevre's concept of space on contemporary theorists like Castells

Papers for the 06 International Symposium on Electronic Arts

many full text papers available, with theoretical reflections and case studies, across media


online magazine exploring "culture after the net"