public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags academic & film

October 2006

OUP: Cartwright & Sturken: "Practices of Looking"

Oxford U. Press offers PDFs of chapters one and nine of this introduction to visual culture

September 2006

Lev Manovich - Avant-garde as Software

The 1920s avant garde "revolution" in film, arts, typography, and architecture has become part of computer hard- and software design; new media does not now provide new ways of seeing but radically new ways of using already accumulated media.

Medical Animation and Medical Illustration

Beautiful online animation of the Life of a Cell. I want to return to the site to learn what I just saw means.

"film theory" - Prefound2

As always when I try out a new search engine, I search on "film theory." This site usefully brings up links to syllabi as well as other sites.

Mountain Dew WebSpace (Marxist Theory / Film Theory)

Eccentric links site that points to film theory material not found elsewhere, but also has page for "nude pictures." This link is to film theory part.

film theory

teacher with "lawyers and film" site

Continuum Contents

online film journal from Australia

Film Bibliographies: Media Resources Center UCB

Good place to start research for both scholars and students, comprehensive resource collection for film studies at UC-Berkeley: Bibliographies here for many film/TV Topics,Themes, Genres, Directors; on National Cinemas; and on Individual Films/Videos; Ful

Film Studies Resources - Academic Info

useful site with lots of resources: bibliographies, "digital library" links, academic programs listed; full text artices; Online Film Collections, Archives, Themes: women, genre, theory; Film History, silent and sound eras, International--by region; Indiv

Resource Discovery Network

excellent UK academic search tool for all disciplines. I looked up "film theory,' "feminism" and "television" and got useful results of sites I had not visited before, and some I had.

August 2006

Digital Aesthetics

site to accompany Sean Cubitt's book Digital Aesthetics

July 2006

Robert Haller Publications

writings of Robert Haller on avant-garde film and filmmakers

Film information

Bibliography from Germany

Cinematic Expression Film Theory, Haim Callev

useful links to listservs, online film essays

Clusty the Clustering Engine

by 56 others
This is a top-notch new kind of search engine (Web 2.0). My test case for searches is "film theory" as the search term, and such a search brought me many new resources I was previously unaware of.


important journal covering independent and avant-garde films; complete index; online essays begin with issue no. 26, fall 1992

Bright Lights Film Journal | Welcome!

by 1 other
attractive online journal with especially good coverage of avant-garde, gay and lesbian, and documentary film


cultural theory, literature, media--from the perspective of a Latin Americanist