public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags academic & film

12 November 2006

'The Science Of Ghosts' - Derrida In 'Ghost Dance' (1983)

Derrida plays himself in 1983 film about concepts of memory; he says he is here a ghost in the art of ghosts, cinema. Many clips from this film found here

11 November 2006

Literary Theory. Literary Criticism

very large site, also contains links for art and film, among other things, lots of branching possiblities

06 November 2006

links to courses compiled by Karen Nakamura, who notes that most courses in Visual Anthropology teach visual analysis and not visual production

01 November 2006


by 28 others
"independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts"; lots on experimental film

31 October 2006

Dr. Helena Sheehan / Home Page

much material on her media and society courses, including powerpoint lectures

Story Myth Dream Drama by Helena Sheehan

chapter one of "Irish Television Drama: A Society and Its Stories" offered by author online

M/C Journal - Latest Issue

from Australia, looking at media internationally and politically

30 October 2006

Planned Obsolescence

Kathleen Fitzpatrick is a media teacher and is spearheading an important online project for media scholars, Media Commons. Her blog has many teaching resources and summaries of sessions at the recent Flow TV Conference.

21 October 2006

19 October 2006

Introduction to Genre Theory

by Daniel Chandler--the major theoretical concept that ties film/tv and literature together.

15 October 2006

09 October 2006

Semiotics for Beginners by Daniel Chandler

semiotics, like connotation, and metaphor and metonymy are terms that convey how images bear meaning; valuable for anyone interested in film and photography

Film Resources

a teacher's well annotated links page for film studies, updated 2003

Hugh McCarney

list of his courses, each of which has many film and communications studies essays available in full text form

06 October 2006


by 1 other
a Danish journal of film studies

The Media and Communications Studies Site

gateway to media information, including narratology, listed under textual analysis

02 October 2006

Street Media: A Thesis Proposal

Images found in an urban environment and how to evaluate them: a key component of photography, film, photos, visual anthropology.

course outline on social construction of space

understanding this topic is crucial for folks in the visual arts, especially documentarians

H-Net Review: John C. Ehrhardt on Tourism: Between Place and Performance

For students of documentary, it is useful to conceptualize place, space, locale, and social performance all at the same time.

01 October 2006