public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags academic & design

November 2006 -- the media theory site

large site, attractive new design as of 11/06. essays, links, delving into popular culture and playing with it, theoretical explorations and savvy; highly recommended

Overview Map "digital enlightenment: research"

a visual map, with links, of how to use metasites for knowledge acquisition, research, and reading online; author has other such maps on his site; useful for students as mode of presenting info and for info itself.

Internet resources for course on web art production

links to theory, artists sites, institutional resources, good sites for tutorials, and ejournals on/for web art

visual encyclopedia that documents manufacturing processes, labor conditions and environmental impacts involved in the production of contemporary products.--summative photo essays produced by students guided by faculty

LibraryThing | Catalog your books online

by 56 others
You sign up, enter the name of a book, then find out what other folks who liked that book also liked; a tag cloud for the book leads to other books on this topic. Quite addictive, and I just used it to look at the info. around one book.

October 2006

Knowing Knowledge - a photoset on Flickr by George Siemens

for those interested in infoaesthetics, this set of 57 images about aspects of knowledge is a stimulating philosophical exercise and a way to ask students how they might have made an image of similar interacting concepts

12 Principles of Web Writing and Design

from teacher Craig Stroupe, who has online many useful teaching tools across tech and cultural fields


Journal of Cultural and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular

Welcome to the Information Processing Content Web Site

very useful lesson plans for Internet theory and use, digital photograph, desktop publishing

b o r d e r l a n d s e-journal :: all issues

"writings cutting across and between politics, media, literature, history, law, science, medicine, philosophy, economics, music, film and more." Attractive and informative graphic design for ejournal homepage.

course outline on space, place, and landscape in contemporary art

You will need to cut and paste URLs into your browser, but there is much here to followup on in terms of bibliography and links.

OUP: Cartwright & Sturken: "Practices of Looking"

Oxford U. Press offers PDFs of chapters one and nine of this introduction to visual culture

September 2006

Lev Manovich - Avant-garde as Software

The 1920s avant garde "revolution" in film, arts, typography, and architecture has become part of computer hard- and software design; new media does not now provide new ways of seeing but radically new ways of using already accumulated media.

Medical Animation and Medical Illustration

Beautiful online animation of the Life of a Cell. I want to return to the site to learn what I just saw means.

August 2006

July 2006

Film Analysis

an extensive and well illustrated--with stills and clips--analysis of film aesthetics and terminology; a good basic resource for any media teacher or film lover to spend time working through

Space Time Travel - Relativity Visualized

Online papers, images, movies and paper models of the theory of relativity

Film Sound Design - Film Sound Theory

art and analysis of film sound; interviews with sound designers of feature films

May 2006