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PUBLIC MARKS from jasontromm with tags nativity & christmas

November 2006

Conservative Students to Display "ACLU Nativity Scene"

The Young Conservatives of Texas -- University of Texas Chapter announced today that they will be displaying an “ACLU Nativity Scene” on the West Mall of the University of Texas campus on Monday and Tuesday, December 4th and 5th. The group’s intent is to raise awareness on the extremity of the ACLU, and bring to light its secular-progressive efforts to remove Christmas from the public sphere. The display, the first of its kind in the nation, will feature characters that are quite a bit different than the standard crèche. “We’ve got Gary and Joseph instead of Mary and Joseph in order to symbolize ACLU support for homosexual marriage, and of course there isn’t a Jesus in the manger,” said Chairman Tony McDonald. “The three Wise Men are Lenin, Marx, and Stalin because the founders of the ACLU were strident supporters of Soviet style Communism.”

December 2005

Looking at the Thought Behind Christmas

With the Christmas season upon us, columnist Frank Salvato has some thoughts on the biggest holiday of the year, the difference between "progressive" and "regressive," and how the "War on Christmas" was won in 1870.

Thomas More Law Center Defends Nativity Scene Display Requests In Florida and Pennsylvania

Attorneys with the Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, will attend town council meetings in the Village of Wellington, Florida, and the Borough of Beaver, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, December 13, 2005, to request that their clients be permitted to erect nativity scenes on public property.

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