public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jasminlive with tags "yahoo news" & terrorism

13 July 2007

Ravenous robber makes himself at home (CourtTV)

CourtTV - (Court TV) - An Arizona man who broke into a woman's home has given new meaning to the term "hamburglar."

10 July 2007

Sunni extremists put village under siege (AP)

AP - Sunni extremists have seized control of a remote village northeast of Baghdad in a fierce battle with residents who pleaded for rescue by Iraqi army and police as they tried to defend their homes, the deputy provincial governor said Tuesday.

S&P, Moody's eye $17.3 bln in subprime rating cuts (Reuters)

Reuters - Two leading rating agencies on Tuesday started to slash ratings for more than $17.3 billion of mortgage-related debt, rattling global financial markets amid fears that growing problems in the risky subprime market could spread to the wide...

Van Gundy enjoying return to coaching

For Stan Van Gundy, a moment during the Orlando Magic's summer league practices last week simply reaffirmed how much he wanted to be back on the sideline.

All candidates welcome for IMF job: IMF board (Reuters)

Reuters - The International Monetary Fund's board said on Monday any country could nominate a candidate for the next head of the financial institution, which would throw open the job to worldwide competition.

09 July 2007

Pakistan mosque cleric gives up demand for safe passage (AFP)

AFP - A cleric allegedly holding women and children hostage at an Islamabad mosque has dropped demands for safe passage and proposed that he be kept under house arrest, a minister said late Monday.

BLM gets OK for new North Slope drilling (AP)

AP - The Bureau of Land Management could go ahead with plans to allow drilling in a sensitive area near Teshekpuk Lake on the North Slope, an agency spokeswoman said.

Fred Thompson aided Nixon on Watergate (AP)

AP - Fred Thompson gained an image as a tough-minded investigative counsel for the Senate Watergate committee. Yet President Nixon and his top aides viewed the fellow Republican as a willing, if not too bright, ally, according to White House tapes.

Franken leads in recent fundraising (AP)

AP - Democratic Senate candidate Al Franken raised nearly $2 million in the latest reporting period, pulling in more money than both his Democratic rival and the Republican incumbent, Sen. Norm Coleman.

Stevens fears impact of current probe (AP)

AP - Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican senator and once the chief power broker for dispensing federal dollars, says he's worried that a corruption investigation "could cause me some trouble" in running for re-election next year.

Edwards Bets Iowa `Avalanche' Will Cinch Democratic Nomination (Bloomberg)

Bloomberg - July 6 (Bloomberg) -- Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, seeking to mimic John Kerry's come-from-behind 2004 primary win, is predicting that a victory in the Iowa caucuses will trigger an ``avalanche'' of support an...

Afghan girls traded, sold to settle debt (AP)

AP - Unable to scrounge together the $165 he needed to repay a loan to buy sheep, Nazir Ahmad made good on his debt by selling his 16-year-old daughter to marry the lender's son.