public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jasminlive with tags video & Nation

15 July 2007

Williams says he'll remain Tiger's caddie

Steve Williams has no intention of quitting his job as caddie to Tiger Woods, the New Zealand native said in a newspaper interview published Sunday. Williams told New Zealand's Sunday Star-Times he didn't know why rumours were circulating he was about...

13 July 2007

Personal Finance: Parachuting into retirement (Reuters)

Reuters - Deciding how much to save for retirement and where to invest it is just a small piece of what's called "retirement planning." And it turns out to be the easiest part.

10 July 2007

Attacks on Baghdad Green Zone (AP)

AP - WHAT'S THE GREEN ZONE? Also called the International Zone, it's the heavily protected area in central Baghdad that holds the U.S. and British embassies, the Iraqi parliament and prime minister's office.

Bonds not worried about Selig, Aaron

Barry Bonds simply doesn't care: Bud Selig can be wherever he wants when Hank Aaron's home run record falls. The commissioner still hasn't said whether he plans to be in the ballpark when and if Bonds hits No. 756. Selig's indecision has drawn a lot o...

A-Rod shrugs off home-run king talk (AP)

AP - Alex Rodriguez laughed. Barry Bonds had just suggested that if he does indeed break Hank Aaron's home run record, A-Rod will top Bonds' figure before too long.