public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from irols with tag dessin

August 2008

July 2008

Mike Artell

Mike Artell is an award-winning author, illustrator, TV cartoonist, conference speaker, musician and humorist. Each year, Mike speaks to thousands of school kids and major business, educational, healthcare and association conferences. He shares a simple message: a sense of HUMOR is vital to happiness and success. It's true for kids; it's true for adults. And it's especially true when you're under stress.

June 2008

February 2008

TOMY Aquadoodle tapis de bain pompiers

Un jouet innovant qui permet à l’enfant de dessiner, sans risque de se tacher. Il allie dessin et jeu pour le plus grand plaisir des enfants ! Equipé de son stylo à eau ou d’un rouleau tampon, l’enfant dessine sur son vaste tapis. Le rouleau tampon permet de tracer des routes qui seront ensuite empruntées par le camion de pompiers qui les suivra à la trace! C’est magique!

January 2008

December 2007

June 2007


by 7 others
Join other people from around the world to play a fun game of online sketching! The object of the game is simple. Each player gets a chance to draw a word which the other players will try to guess. You can play anytime for free, 24 hours a day!

May 2007

April 2007

Inkscape. Draw Freely.

by 1 other (via)
nkscape est un logiciel libre d'édition de graphismes vectoriels, doté de capacités similaires à Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw ou Xara X, utilisant le format de fichiers Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) standard du W3C.