public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ianux

20 March 2007


secteur hi-tech chez

06 March 2007

RADIO CAMPUS Bruxelles - 107.2 FM - Léfésonor

"léfésonor" est une émission musicale qui a lieu 2 lundis par mois, de 22h30 à minuit. Le son diffusé est une orientation ouverte vers les musiques électroniques telles que le grime/dubstep, en passant par l'ambient, le breakbeat, la techno ou bien encore le breakcore, et autres fusions electro-punks-rock...

Streamtime is a project of Radio Reedflute in collaboration with Rastasoft, developed with artists and activists from Iraq and elsewhere. Streamtime is a loose network of media activists dedicated to assist local media to get connected. Streamtime uses old and new media for the production of content and networks in the fields of media, arts, culture and activism in crisis areas, like Iraq.

Zina is not Andromeda |

Zina is a graphical interface to your MP3 collection, a personal jukebox, an MP3 streamer. It can run on its own, embeded into an existing website, or as a Postnuke/PHPNuke/Xoops/Mambo/Drupal/e107 module. It is similar to Andromeda, but released under the GNU General Public License.

d y n e . o r g

sounds and voices from Palestine

by 19 others, 1 comment
Ce site "non-officiel" vous propose de réécouter les archives d'une émission de radio "modeste et géniale" née en 1989 : Là-bas si j'y suis

Mig - "My Image Gallery"

by 1 other
Mig is a photo album / image gallery management system. It is written in PHP and requires nothing but PHP to operate. Any version of PHP4 and PHP5 will work. PHP3 users will need to have at least version 3.0.9.

Qdig : Quick Digital Image Gallery browse

Qdig is an easy-to-use PHP script that dynamically presents your digital image files as an online gallery or set of galleries.

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