public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from iang

September 2006

June 2006


by 3 others
keep trying to thinkin self

March 2006

フジテレビ ドラマ ちびまる子ちゃん

經典 - 櫻桃小丸子的座位表,請點進去看 XD - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, RSS Sharing, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Share Files

by 8 others (via)
免費的1G網路儲存空間, ajax, 能多用戶共一帳號, admin可分配每個人的配額 web2.0' storage service, use ajax & part java. Providing normal browse and Java Applet (drag and drop) to upload ways. -- Rolling with Ruby on Rails

by 3 others (via)
一看就懂的 RoR, 快速建立database back website. let's RoR it . rapidly develop web application

Dave Werner's Portfolio 2006

by 5 others (via)
how this author is.. touch in heart

February 2006

NetHack3D for MacOSX

3D nethack in japanese . OpenGL

DarkArts Studio - noegnud

nethack openGL , linux

天使發牢騷 » 臺灣ETC案落選團隊的方案簡報

官商勾結?我也對其他"落選"的方案有興趣了 why Taiwan government always make policy in doubt .

rikaichan |

by 2 others (via)
「 rikaichan 」- more than - extension

Design Melt Down

by 13 others (via)
Patterns for webdesign

iang's TAGS


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!bookmark   !recommend   adsense   ajax   animation   anime   apple   art   backupi   blog   blogger   blogware   book   bookmark   bsd   business   career   china   chm   css   culture   custom   delicious   design   desktop   digital   diy   douban   drama   editor   email   entrepreneur   etc   evil   extension   fantasy   firefox   fix   flah   flash   flickr   fun   geek   gmail   google   gtalk   guide   guiguigui   hardware   ie   im   inline   jabber   japan   japanese   java   javascript   language   layout   learning   linux   liu   mac   mouse   movie   nethack   network   os   paper   php   pim   playhouse   plugin   podcast   programming   python   qrcode   reader   reading   reference   rumor   software   story   tag   taiwan   think   travel   traveller   tutorial   tv   tweak   uidesign   web   window   windows   wordpress   world   xmas   xml   zen