public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from harshadoak

June 2007

Call For Presenters For The Conference On Java Technology 2007 - Enterprise Java Software Developer Station invites submissions for the Conference On Java Technology 2007 to be held on 26th and 27th October 2007 at the Symbiosis Infotech Campus, Hinjewadi IT Park, Pune, India. The conference is the place to be, to learn the latest in the Java world while meeting with like-minded individuals from across the industry. You can find details of last year's conference at IndicThreads welcomes submissions from delegates across fields, geographic locations and areas of development. Topics of interest include new and groundbreaking technologies and emerging trends, successful practices and real world learnings. Topics appropriate for submission to this conference may include but are not restricted to the below. 1. Changes In the Java language 2. Java SE, Java EE and Java ME 3. Open Source frameworks like Spring, Wicket and Rails 4. SOA Techniques and Practices 5. Ajax and Web 2.0 Toolkits and Frameworks 6. Scripting languages for Java like JRuby, Groovy, Rhino, JavaFX. 7. Java Security 8. Agile Techniques, Extreme Programing, Test Driven Development 9. Optimization and Performance tuning 10. New and emerging technologies 11. Case Studies and Real World Experiences

June 2006

May 2006

April 2006

March 2006

harshadoak's TAGS


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