public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from groscastor

September 2007


stencils pour visio, formes pour visio

August 2007

Coding Horror: Creating Smaller Virtual Machines

by 1 other (via)
Now that Virtual PC is finally free, I've become obsessed with producing the smallest possible Windows XP Virtual PC image. It's quite a challenge, because a default XP install can eat up well over a gigabyte. Once you factor in the swapfile and other overhead, you're generally talking about around 2-4 gigabytes for relatively simple configurations. My best result so far, however, is a 641 megabyte virtual machine image of a clean, fully patched Windows XP install. Not bad. And here's how I did it.

July 2007

Tour of Backpack

by 1 other
Backpack is a simple web-based service that allows you to make pages with to-do lists, notes, files, and images. Backpack also features a Calendar and Reminders that can be sent via email or to your cell phone at predefined times. Tagging pages makes it easy to group related pages together.

June 2007

750 pixel Pure CSS Layouts

by 4 others
des template tout simples pour bien commencer un site

Free XHTML/CSS Website Templates - Template World

by 43 others
Free XHTML/CSS Templates For Web Design Template, templates, css, design

perlreftut - Le très court tutoriel de Mark sur les références

gérer des structures de données compliquées comme les tableaux multidimensionnels et les tables de hachage imbriquées.

PicLens: Discover More

by 5 others
plugin firefox, diaporama, photo


wrapper sftp pour perl possibilité d'injecter le mot de passe avec

perl manipulation de données : tableaux

perl manipulation de données : tableaux

Perl functions

-- Perl 5.8.8 documentation -- Language reference > Perl functions A-Z