public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gmoura

15 February 2006

10 February 2006

Car crashes in tunnel

Car crashes in tunnel

Concorde breaking the sound barrier

Concorde breaking the sound barrier

F35 JSF take off.

F35 JSF take off.

Crazy Multi-Input Touch Screen

Uma tela sensitiva que permite usar todos os dedos da mão.

Free Photos 2

Pegadinho muito bem bolada!

08 February 2006

Honda civic

by 6 others
Bom exemplo de design mocional

BUS Monster

by 6 others
Programação dos onibus em real

Fundacion Chile

Imagens de ums intranet muito bem projetada

Blue vertigo

by 74 others
Recursos, Fonts, Imagens, Logos

Gustavo Moura

Gustavo Moura - User interface design, information architect, usability

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