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PUBLIC MARKS from ghis with tag privacy




The (Very) Unofficial Facebook Privacy Manual

Tips to keep a relative privacy on Facebook.

From Privacy To Opacity - Digital Me Management

Interesting article from Karl Dubost about managing privacy (or opacity).

Diaspora's curse - (37signals)

by 1 other (via)
Why Diaspora could be a fail. It started wrong by asking for money, they should have build first a product, demonstrate that a public social network is possible.

How to Quit Facebook Without Actually Quitting Facebook

by 1 other
With all the privacy issues surrounding Facebook, many people are considering quitting the site altogether. If you're not ready to take it that far, here's how to avoid the privacy breaches without completely deleting your account and losing touch with your friends.

The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook

by 5 others (via)
Flash animation showing the evolution of the level of privacy of the different categories of information Facebook knows about you. Now, almost everything is public.

Establish and Maintain Your Online Identity - identity management - Lifehacker

If you're not actively building your identity and establishing a presence online, you're letting search engines cobble together information, good or bad, and write your public story. You need to establish and maintain a healthy online identity.

Bloquer les mouchards de Facebook - ZZZ

by 1 other (via)
Avec les Social Plugins introduits il y a quelques jours, Facebook prétend ajouter un bouton “Like” sur toutes les pages du Web. C’est sans doute super pour cette société de savoir qui regarde quelle page de quel site à tout instant, mais, moi, ça ne me plaît pas.

Pourquoi je n’utiliserai plus Facebook

usqu’à présent, Facebook était un « réseau social » qui permettait à ses utilisateurs de se relier entre eux en « devenant amis » pour ainsi partager et publier des informations, des liens et des contenus. [...] Mais voilà, cette semaine, facebook a annoncé ses plans et les changements qu’ils venaient de mettre en place. Et là, la balance a totalement basculé.

Le nouveau Facebook : un guide complet pour les éditeurs, les annonceurs, les utilisateurs et la concurrence  | ReadWriteWeb France

Facebook a secoué le monde des technologies en annonçant une série d’innovations majeures qui constituent, prises dans leur ensemble, un mouvement destiné à faire du web tout entier un web social et sémantique.

Top 10 Google Settings You Should Know About - Google settings - Lifehacker

As the outcry over Google Buzz's privacy has shown us, it's smart to explore settings in Gmail, along with other places you're sharing data with the search giant. Let's take a look at 10 privacy, convenience, and annoyance fixers you should know.

Internet Survival Guide for Traveling Where Privacy Isn't Respected - Google - Lifehacker

Two things have really changed the face of independent backpacker travel in the last decade: digital cameras and—even more so—the internet. While some people can afford the luxury of traveling with a laptop or even a netbook, a real backpacker doesn't want to have to carry the extra weight nor the responsibility of carrying expensive equipment that would be difficult to lug around, relatively easy to steal, and expensive to replace.

2008 - Content Hub and Identity Management Platform

by 1 other
" is building a flexible, permanent home for your online identity on your own domain. You own and are in control of the facets of your digital life, not any one service provider. One place for your profile, your contacts & content, where you have control over who gets to see what."

ghis's TAGS related to tag privacy

adblock +   diaspora +   domain +   facebook +   file-sharing +   google +   identity +   internet +   management +   messaging +   online identity +   opacity +   open graph +   parody +   portable apps +   security +   semantic web +   settings +   tips +   video +   web +