public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ghis with tag "open source"

April 2010

La liberté contre les traces dans le nuage - Une interview d'Eben Moglen - Framablog

"Cette interview propose « une ébauche de solution technique qui pourrait bien signer la fin du Minitel 2.0 ». Eben Moglen y explique « comment des petits ordinateurs comme le Sheevaplug (cf photo ci-contre) ou le Linutop 2 pourraient bien changer la donne en permettant la construction d’un réseau social distribué (ou a-centré) dont chacun pourrait contrôler un bout et surtout contrôler son niveau de participation »."

February 2010

LCA: How to destroy your community []

Josh Berkus is well known as a PostgreSQL hacker, but, as it happens, he also picked up some valuable experience during his stint at "The Laboratory for the Destruction of Communities," otherwise known as Sun Microsystems. That experience has been distilled into a "patented ten-step method" on how to free a project of unwelcome community involvement. Josh's energetic presentation on this topic was the first talk in the "business of open source" miniconf; it was well received by an enthusiastic crowd.

ghis's TAGS related to tag "open source"

cloud +   community +   destroy +   internet +   liberté +   sun +   web +